Feeding, behaviours, health problems and developmental behavioural in the newborn and infancy period.
1.1 Did the child reside with you in (ANGNewbornInfancyReside)
No | Code | Question | Response |
0.1.1 | ResideNewborn | The first 4 weeks of their life? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No (Range/ RadioButton; PVG YesNo) |
0.1.2 | ResideNewborn | The first 1-12 months of their life? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No (Range/ RadioButton; PVG YesNo) |
1.1 Newborn (0-1 month) (ANGNewbornHistory)
No | Code | Question | Response |
1.1.2 | ANGHOWFEDINFANCY | Describe feeding during infancy | 1 – Breastfed; 2 – Bottlefed; 3 – Other |
1.1.6a | ANGAgeStoppedBreastfeeding2 | At what age was breastfeeding stopped? | |
1.1.6b | ANGAgeStoppedBottlefeeding2 | At what age was bottlefeeding stopped? | |
1.1.3 | ANGFeedingDifficulties | Does/did the individual with Angelman Syndrome experience feeding difficulties as a newborn? | 1 – Yes, all the time; 2 – Yes, most of the time; 3 – Yes, some of the time; 4 – Yes, rarely; 5 – No, never; 6 - Unknown |
1.1.4 | ANGBreastFedEffort | If difficulties were experienced, was assistance used at any time in their infancy (e.g. lactation support, syringes, spooning in pumped milk)? Please note that there is an option to provide more details below | As above |
1.1.5 | ANGIfUnableToBreastBottleFeed | If the individual was unable to breast or bottle feed, please describe how he/she is/was fed as a newborn. | Participant specifies |
1.1.8 | ANGRefusalToNurse | Is/was there refusal to nurse? | 1 – Yes, all the time; 2 – Yes, most of the time; 3 – Yes, some of the time; 4 – Yes, rarely; 5 – No, never; 6 - Unknown |
1.1.9 | ANGCouldNotLatch | Can/could not latch? | As above |
1.1.10 | ANGIneffectiveSuck | Ineffective suck? | As above |
1.1.11 | ANGBiting | Was there biting? | As above |
1.1.15 | ANGIrritablefeed | Does/did he/she appear irritable in association with feeding? | As above |
1.2 Newborn (0-1 month): Health and Behavioural (ANGNewbornHistory2)
No | Code | Question | Response |
1.1.12 | ANGVomiting | Was there vomiting? | As above |
1.1.13 | ANGArching | Was there arching? | As above |
1.1.14 | ANGExcessiveMovement | Does/did he/she show excessive movements? | As above |
1.1.1 | ANGDifficultyMaintainingTemp | Does/did the individual with Angelman Syndrome have difficulties maintaining or regulating proper body temperature? | 1 – Yes, all the time; 2 – Yes, most of the time; 3 – Yes, some of the time; 4 – Yes, rarely; 5 – No, never; 6 - Unknown |
1.1.17 | ANGNewbornSleep | Was there difficulty sleeping? | As above |
1.1.18 | ANGNewbornCryExcess | Please describe your child’s crying | 1 – Excessive/ constant; 2 – Rarely or never cried; 3 – Unusual sounding cry |
1.1.19 | ANGOthBehList | Were there any behavioural or developmental concerns? (check any/ all that apply) | 1 – Excessive irritability; 2 – Developmental delays; 3 – Unusual or repetitive movements; 4 – Unusual or repetitive behaviours; 5 – Smiling/ Laughter; 6 – Did not communicate needs (eg cry when hungry); 7 - Did not respond/ seem interested in caregiver/ people; 8 – Did not seem interested in surroundings; 9 - Other |
1.1.16 | ANGOthBehProblems | Please specify | |
1.1.20 | ANGOtherHealthProblems | Were there any other health problems? (check any/ all that apply) | 1 – Gastrointestinal problems/ reflux; 2 – Failure to thrive; Intolerances or allergies; 3 – Breathing/ respiratory difficulties; 4 – Seizures; 5 – Vision/ Eye problem; 6 – Illness requiring medical care; 7 - Other |
1.1.21 | ANGOtherHealthProblemsYES | Please describe |
1.3 Infancy (1-12 months): Temperament (ANGInfancyHistory)
No | Code | Question | Response |
1.2.1 | ANGHappy | Is/was the individual with Angelman Syndrome happy in the first 12 months of their life? | 1 – Yes, all the time; 2 – Yes, most of the time; 3 – Yes, some of the time; 4 – Yes, rarely; 5 – No, never; 6 - Unknown |
1.2.2 | ANGPlacid | Is/was he/she easy going in the first 12 months of their life? | As above |
1.2.3 | ANGEasyGoing | Is/was he/she easy going in the first 12 months of their life? | As above |
1.2.4 | ANGAffectionate | Is/was he/she affectionate in the first 12 months of their life? | As above |
1.4 Infancy (1-12 months): Feeding (ANGInfancyHistory2)
No | Code | Question | Response |
1.2.5 | ANGSuckSwallow | Are/were there any difficulties with suck/swallow? | As above |
1.2.6 | ANGFailGain | Are/were there any difficulties with failure to gain weight? | As above |
1.2.7 | ANGRefluxGastroOesoph | Are/were there any reflux/gastro/oesophageal problems? | As above |
1.2.8 | ANGTransitionSolid | Are/were there any difficulties with transitioning to solid food? | As above |
1.5 Infancy (1-12 months): Respiratory (ANGInfancyHistory3)
No | Code | Question | Response |
1.2.9 | ANGAsthmaWheezing | Are/were there any difficulties with asthma/wheezing? | As above |
1.2.10 | ANGCoughing | Are/were there any difficulties with coughing? | As above |
1.2.11 | ANGpneumoniadiff | Are/were there any difficulties with pneumonia? | As above |
1.2.12 | ANGbronchitis | Are/were there any difficulties with bronchitis? | As above |
1.6 Infancy (1-12 months): Other Health and Behavioural (ANGInfancyHistory4)
No | Code | Question | Response |
1.2.16 | ANGInfancySleep | Was there difficulty sleeping ? | 1 – Yes, all the time; 2 – Yes, most of the time; 3 – Yes, some of the time; 4 – Yes, rarely; 5 – No, never; 6 – Unknown (Range/ DefaultWidget; ANGBEHDEVFUNCTIONSCALE) |
1.2.17 | ANGInfancyCryExcess | Please describe your child’s crying | 1 – Excessive/ constant; 2 – Rarely or never cried; 3 – Unusual sounding cry |
1.2.18 | ANGOthBehList | Were there any behavioural or developmental concerns ? | 1 – Excessive irritability; 2 – Developmental delays; 3 – Unusual or repetitive movements; 4 – Unusual or repetitive behaviours; 5 – Smiling/ Laughter; 6 – Did not communicate needs ; 7 - Did not respond/ seem interested in caregiver/ people; 8 – Did not seem interested in surroundings; 9 - Other |
1.2.13 | ANGOthBehProblems | Are/were there any other behavioural issues during this period? | |
1.2.19 | ANGOtherHealthList | Were there any other health problems ? | 1 – Gastrointestinal problems/ reflux; 2 – Failure to thrive; Intolerances or allergies; 3 – Breathing/ respiratory difficulties; 4 – Seizures; 5 – Vision/ Eye problem; 6 – Illness requiring medical care; 7 - Other |
1.2.15 | ANGOtherHealthProblemsYES | Please describe |
2.1 History of Diagnosis (ANGHistoryOfDiagnosis)
No | Code | Question | Response |
2.1.1a | ANGAgeDiagnosis2 | Age at diagnosis | |
2.1.3 | ANGCurrentPatientAge | Current age of the individual with Angelman Syndrome in years | Calculated from DOB |
2.1.4a | ANGParentDx | Did you suspect Angelman syndrome prior to the official diagnosis? | |
2.1.4 | ANGWhoMadeDiagnosis | Who made the diagnosis? (Check all that apply) | 1 – Paediatrician/GP; 2- Neuropaediatrician; 3 – Neurologist; 4 – Geneticist; 5 – Other; |
2.1.5 | ANGDiagnosisOther | Please specify | |
2.1.6 | ANGNeurologicalSymptoms | History that led to the Angelman Syndrome syndrome Diagnosisdiagnosis (Check all that apply) | 1 – Microcephaly; 2 – Developmental delay; 3 – Motor development; 4 – Unusual behaviours; 5 – Lack of language; 6 - Abnormal neurological exam; 7 – Seizures; 8 – Ataxia; 9 – Happy disposition/ laughter; 10 – Light pigmentation ; 11 – Eye/ vision problems; 12 – Gastrointestinal reflux; 13 – Failure to thrive; 14 – Hypotonia ; 15 – Illness/ injury requiring medical care led to diagnosis; 16 – Other; |
2.1.7 | ANGHistoryOther | Please give details | |
2.1.8 | ANGMisdiagnosis | If there was a misdiagnosis prior to Angelman syndrome, please select (Check all that apply): | 1 – Autism; 2 – Seizure Disorder; 3 – Cerebral Palsy; 4 – Global Development Delay; 5 – Prader-Willi Syndrome; 6 - Other; 7 – Unknown |
2.1.9 | ANGMisdiagnosisOTH | Please comment | |
2.1.10 | ANGDualDX | Do they currently have a dual diagnosis ? | 1 – Yes, 2 – No, 3 – Unknown |
2.1.11 | ANGDualDxWhat2 | Please list any other current diagnoses the individual has received (Please do not include any misdiagnoses prior to the diagnosis of Angelman Syndrome). | 1 – Autism Spectrum Disorder; 2-– Epilepsy; 3 – Lennox-Gastaut syndrome; 4 – Cerebral Palsy; 5 – Global developmental delay; 6 – Other rare disease (please state); 7 - Other, please specify. |
2.1.12 | ANGDualDxWhatOther | Please list other diagnoses |
No | Code | Question | Response |
2.2.1 | ANGGeneticTest | Has the individual with Angelman Syndrome had a genetic test for Angelman Syndrome? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 - Unknown |
ANGClinicalDx | Have they received a clinical diagnosis of Angelman Syndrome? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 - Unknown | |
2.2.1a | ANGGeneticTestKnown | Do you know what type of tests were performed? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; |
2.2.2b | ANGGeneticTestType2 | What type of test was performed? | 1 – Array; 2 – Methylation; 3 – Mutation; 4 – FISH |
2.2.3 | ANGDNAMethylAbnormalResult | What was the test result? | 1 – Chromosome deletion ; 2 – Chromosome deletion Class 1; 3 – Chromosome deletion Class II; 4 – Chromosome deletion Class III; 5 – Chromosome deletion Class IV; 6 - Chromosome deletion Class V; 7 – Paternal uniparental disomy ; 8 – Imprinting centre defect; 9 – UBE3A Mutation (type unknown); 10 – UBE3A Mutation (Truncating); 11 – UBE3A Mutation (Missense); 12 – UBE3A Mutation (nonsense); 13 – UBE3A Mutation (Benign); 14 – Mosaic; 15 – Unknown/ Clinical |
No | Code | Question | Response |
2.3.1 | ANGBloodResultFile | Please upload any diagnosis test results you have |
Please enter your child/ adult’s current age, height and weight (6moAgehw)
No | Code | Question | Response |
A.0.1 | 6MoAge | Age in years and months | |
A.0.1 | 6MoHeight | Height in cm: | |
A.0.1 | 6MoWeight | Weight in kg: |
In the past 6 months has there been any changes in your child/ adult’s (6motreatment)
No | Code | Question | Response |
A.1.1 | 6MoEpilepsy | Epilepsy | 1 – Yes – please report changes in “My Child/ Adult’s Treatment – Change in seizure activity”; 2 – No (6MoEpilepsyScale) |
A.1.2 | 6MoSeizure | How have your child/ adult’s seizures changed (check all that apply) | 1 – Increased in frequency; 2 – Decreased in frequency; 3 – Change in seizure activity or symptoms; 4 – Other (please describe) (6MoSeizureScale) |
A.1.3 | 6MoSeizureOth | If other, please describe. | |
A.1.4 | 6MoMed | Medications | 1 – Yes – please report changes in “My Child/ Adult’s Treatment – Started/ Changed or Stopped Medication”; 2 – No (6MoMedScale) |
A.1.5 | 6MoMedChange | How has your child/ adult’s medication changed in the last 6 months? Check all that apply | 1 – Started a new medication; 2 – Stopped a medication; 3 – Changed the dosage or frequency of a current medication; 4 – Other (please describe) |
A.1.6 | 6MoMedChangeOth | If other, please describe. | |
A.1.7 | 6MoTherapy | Therapies | 1 – Yes – please report changes in “My Child/ Adult’s Treatment – Started/ Changed or Stopped Therapy”; 2 – No |
A.1.8 | 6MoTherChange | How has your child/ adult’s therapy service use changed in the last 6 months? Check all that apply | 1 – Started a new therapy; 2 – Stopped a therapy; 3 – Changed the duration or frequency of a current therapy; 4 – Other (please describe) |
A.1.9 | 6MoTherChangeOth | If other, please describe. |
In the past 6 months, has your child/ adult (6motestclinic)
No | Code | Question | Response |
A.2.1 | 6MoPath | Undergone any pathology or testing? | 1 – Yes – please report in “My Child/ Adult’s Treatment – Pathology and Diagnostics”; 2 – No |
A.2.1 | 6MoTrial | Started or stopped taking part in any clinical trials or studies? | 1 – Yes - please report in “My Child/ Adult’s Treatment – Clinical trials and studies”; 2 – No |
A.2.1 | 6MoClinic | Attended an Angelman clinic? |
No | Code | Question | Response |
MedNewFol | Is this the first time you are completing this module? | 1 – Yes, first time; 2 – No, follow up | |
B.1.1 | 12MoMedIll | Has there been any changes to the following medical conditions in your child/ adult in the last 12 months? | 1 – Gastrointestinal reflux; 2 – Constipation; 3 – Vomiting with feeds; 4 – Gagging; 5 – Pneumonia; 6 – Strep throat; 7 – Toe walking; 8 – Tight heel cords; 9 – Scoliosis; 10 – Dental problems ; 11 – Obesity; 12 – Tube feeding; 13 – Strabismus; 14 – Cortical visual impairment; 15 – Ear infections (Otis media); 16 – Auditory processing disorders; 17 – Cortical myoclonus (tremors); 18 – Diagnosed allergies; 19 – Intolerances; 20 - Other |
B.1.2 | 12MoActFood | Has there been any changes to the following in your child/ adult? |
3.1 Gastrointestinal Problems - Has your child/adult ever experienced any of the following: (GastrointestinalProblems)
No | Code | Question | Response |
3.3.1a | ANGGastroesophagealReflux2 | Gastroesophageal reflux? | 1 – None; 2 – Never formally diagnosed, but compatible history; 3 – Yes, diagnosed |
3.3.2 | ANGGastroesophageal RefluxStat | What is the current status of their gastroesophageal reflux? Please indicate the current status of this medical condition in your child/ adult. | 1 – Currently experiencing; 2 - Intermittently experiencing/ episodic; 3 – Resolved; 4 – Unknown |
3.3.3a | ANGGastroRefluxDiagnosed2 | What was their age at diagnosis? | |
3.3.5 | ANGGastroRefluxDiagnosedSever | What is the severity? | 1 – Mild; 2 – Moderate; 3 – Severe; 4 – Varied; 5 – Unknown |
3.3.6 | ANGGastroRefluxDiagnosedTreat | Was medical treatment required? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 – Unknown |
4.3.7 | ANGGastroRefluxDiagnosedSurg | Was surgical treatment required? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 – Recommended, but not done; 4 – Unknown |
3.3.8a | ANGGastroRefluxRecurred2 | What was their age at which the gastroesophageal reflux recurred? | |
3.3.10 | ANGGastroRefluxResolvedSever | What is the severity when recurring? | 1 – Mild; 2 – Moderate; 3 – Severe; 4 – Varied; 5 – Unknown |
3.3.11 | ANGGastroRefluxRecurredTreatme | Was medical treatment required when recurring? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 – Unknown |
3.3.12 | ANGGastroRefluxRecurredSurgey | Was surgical treatment required when recurring? (Please describe surgery in the Medical History and Hospitalisation module) | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 – Recommended, but not done; 4 – Unknown |
3.3.13a | ANGGastroRefluxResolved2 | What was their age when resolved? | |
3.4.1 | ANGEverConstipation | Constipation? | 1 – Yes all the time; 2 – Yes, most of the time; 3 – Yes, some of the time; 4 – Yes, rarely; 5 – No, never; 6 – Unknown |
3.4.2 | ANGMedConstipation Status | What is the current status of their constipation? Please indicate the current status of this medical condition in your child/ adult. | 1 – Currently experiencing; 2 - Intermittently experiencing/ episodic; 3 – Resolved; 4 - Unknown |
3.4.3 | ANGConstipationSever | What is the severity during episodes? | 1 – Mild; 2 – Moderate; 3 – Severe; 4 – Varied; 5 - Unknown |
3.4.4 | ANGConstipationManage | How is the constipation (or regular bowel function) managed? (check all that apply) | 1 – Dietary; 2 – Medication; 3 – Other |
3.4.5 | ANGConstipationOth | Please specify. | |
3.5.1 | ANGVomitingWithFeeds | Vomited with feeds (after 12 months of age)? | 1 – Yes, all the time; 2 – Yes, most of the time; 3 – Yes, some of the time; 4 – Yes, rarely; 5 – No, never; 6 – Unknown |
3.5.2 | ANGVomitingWithFeeds Status | What is the current status of their vomiting with feeds? Please indicate the current status of this medical condition in your child/ adult. | 1 – Currently experiencing; 2 - Intermittently experiencing/ episodic; 3 – Resolved; 4 – Unknown |
3.5.3 | ANGVomitingWithFeeds Medical | Was medical treatment required? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 – Unknown |
3.5.4 | ANGVomitingWithFeedsSurgery | Was surgical treatment required? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 – Recommended, but not done; 4 – Unknown |
3.6.1 | ANGGagging | Gagging (after 12 months of age)? | 1 – Yes all the time; 2 – Yes, most of the time; 3 – Yes, some of the time; 4 – Yes, rarely; 5 – No, never; 6 – Unknown |
3.6.2 | ANGGaggingStatus | What is the current status of their gagging? Please indicate the current status of this medical condition in your child/ adult. | 1 – Currently experiencing; 2 - Intermittently experiencing/ episodic; 3 – Resolved; 4 – Unknown |
3.6.3a | ANGGaggingSituations | Please indicate the situation/s when gagging occurs | 1 – Eating/ Feeding/ Drinking; 2 – Mornings/ after sleeping; 3 – Sensory ; 4 – Emotional situations ; 5 – Illness ; 6 – Taking medication; 7 – Seizure; 8 – Brushing teeth; 9 – Infancy only 10 - Other |
3.6.3 | ANGGaggingYes | Please specify |
3.2 Throat/ Respiratory Problems - Has your child/adult ever experienced any of the following: (ThroatRespiratoryProblems)
No | Code | Question | Response |
3.1.1 | ANGPneumonia | Pneumonia? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 – Unknown |
3.1.2 | ANGMedPneumonia Status | What is the current status of their pneumonia? Please indicate the current status of this medical condition in your child/ adult. | 1 – Currently experiencing; 2 - Intermittently experiencing/ episodic; 3 – Resolved; 4 – Unknown |
3.1.3 | ANGPneumonia Aspiration | Was it related to aspiration? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 – Unknown |
3.1.4 | ANGPneumoniaFreq | Please indicate the number of episodes per year | 1 – One off episode; 2 – 1-2 episodes ; 3 - 3 or more episodes |
3.1.5 | ANGPneumoniaSever | What is the severity during episodes? | 1 – Mild; 2 – Moderate; 3 – Severe; 4 – Varied; 5 – Unknown |
3.2.1 | ANGStrepThroat | Strep throat? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 – Unknown |
3.2.2 | ANGMedStrepThroat Status | What is the current status of their strep throat? Please indicate the current status of this medical condition in your child/ adult. | 1 – Currently experiencing; 2 - Intermittently experiencing/ episodic; 3 – Resolved; 4 – Unknown |
3.2.3 | ANGStrepThroatFreq | Please indicate the number of episodes per year | 1 – One off episode; 2 – 1-2 episodes ; 3 - 3 or more episodes |
3.2.4 | ANGStrepThroatSever | What is the severity during episodes? | 1 – Mild; 2 – Moderate; 3 – Severe; 4 – Varied; 5 – Unknown |
3.3 Musculoskeletal Problems - Has your child/adult ever experienced any of the following: (MusculoskeletalProblems)
No | Code | Question | Response |
3.7.1 | ANGToeWalking | Toe walking? | 1 – Yes all the time; 2 – Yes, most of the time; 3 – Yes, some of the time; 4 – Yes, rarely; 5 – No, never; 6 – Unknown |
3.7.2 | ANGToeWalkingStatus | What is the current status of their tight heel cords/ toe walking? Please indicate the current status of this medical condition in your child/ adult. | 1 – Currently experiencing; 2 - Intermittently experiencing/ episodic; 3 – Resolved; 4 – Unknown |
3.7.3 | ANGToeWalkingTreatment | Please indicate any treatments used (Check all that apply. Please describe surgery in the Medical History and Hospitalisation module) | 1 – Ankle-foot orthosis ; 2 – Surgery; 3 – Physical therapy;4 – No treatment |
3.7.1a | ANGTightHeelCords | Tight heel cords? | 1 – Yes all the time; 2 – Yes, most of the time; 3 – Yes, some of the time; 4 – Yes, rarely; 5 – No, never; 6 – Unknown |
3.7.2a | ANGTightHeelStatus | What is the current status of their tight heel cords? Please indicate the current status of this medical condition in your child/ adult. | 1 – Currently experiencing; 2 - Intermittently experiencing/ episodic; 3 – Resolved; 4 – Unknown |
3.7.3a | ANGTightHeelTreatment | Please indicate any treatments used (Check all that apply. Please describe surgery in the Medical History and Hospitalisation module) | 1 – Ankle-foot orthosis (AFO); 2 – Surgery; 3 – Physical therapy; 4 – No treatment |
3.8.1 | ANGSCOLIOSIS | Does (or did) the individual exhibit scoliosis (curvature of the spine)? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 - Unknown |
3.8.3 | ANGScoliosisTreatmentUsed | If yes to scoliosis, please indicate any treatments used (Check all that apply) | 1 – Observation; 2 – Backbrace; 3 – Surgery; 4 – Other |
3.8.4a | ANGAgeScoliosisDiagnosed2 | What was their age at diagnosis? | |
3.8.6a | ANGAgeBracingYears2 | What was their age when bracing was commenced? | |
3.9.1 | ANGDentalProblems | Does (or did) the individual with Angelman Syndrome have any dental problems? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 - Unknown |
3.9.2 | ANGDentalProblems Status | What is the current status of their dental problems? Please indicate the current status of this medical condition in your child/ adult. | 1 – Currently experiencing; 2 - Intermittently experiencing/ episodic; 3 – Resolved; 4 - Unknown |
3.9.3a | ANGDentalProblemsFillings | Please indicate the number of fillings | 1 – None, 2 – 1-4, 3 – 5-9, 4 – More than 10 |
3.4 Nutrition and Feeding - Has your child/adult ever experienced any of the following: (NutritionFeeding)
No | Code | Question | Response |
3.10.1a | ANGOverweight | Overweight? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 – Unknown |
3.10.1 | ANGObesity | Classified as obese? For a definition of obesity, please visit: childhood_what/en/ | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 – Unknown |
3.10.2 | ANGObesityStatus | What is the current status of their obesity? Please indicate the current status of this medical condition in your child/ adult. | 1 – Currently experiencing; 2 - Intermittently experiencing/ episodic; 3 – Resolved; 4 – Unknown |
3.10.3a | ANGObesityAge2 | Please indicate the age of onset | |
3.11.1 | ANGFailuretoThrive | Food refusal/ failure to thrive over 12 months of age? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 – Unknown |
3.11.2 | ANGFailuretoThrive Status | What is the current status of their failure to thrive? Please indicate the current status of this medical condition in your child/ adult. | 1 – Currently experiencing; 2 - Intermittently experiencing/ episodic; 3 – Resolved; 4 – Unknown |
3.11.3a | ANGFailureToThriveOnsetYears2 | What was their age at onset of failure to thrive? | |
3.11.6a | ANGFailureToThriveYears2 | What was the duration of failure to thrive? | |
3.12.1 | ANGTubeFed | Tube feeding (after 12 months of age)? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 – Unknown |
3.12.2 | ANGTubeFedStatus | What is the current status of their tube feeding? Please indicate the current status of this medical condition in your child/ adult. | 1 – Currently experiencing; 2 - Intermittently experiencing/ episodic; 3 – Resolved; 4 – Unknown |
3.12.3 | ANGTubeFedYesType | Please indicate the type used (Check all that apply) | 1 – NG tube; 2 – OG tube; 3 – Gastrostomy tube |
3.12.4a | ANGTubeFedYears2 | What was the duration of tube feeding? | |
3.12.7 | ANGTubeYesReason | Please indicate the reason for placement (Check all that apply) | 1 – Inability to feed orally as infant; 2 – Gastroesophageal reflux disease; 3 – Vomiting; 4 – Food refusal; 5 – Complications; 6 – Failure to thrive |
3.12.8 | ANGTubeHow | Please indicate how they are tube fed (Check all that apply) | 1 – Medications; 2 – Nutrition using bolus feeds; 3 – Nutrition using overnight feeds |
3.12.9 | ANGTubeComplications | If there were complications with tube feeding, please describe | |
3.10.5 | ANGObesityHeight | What is your child/ adult’s current height in metres/metres? (metres/meters – imperial to metric converter: | |
3.10.8 | ANGObesityWeight | What is your child/ adult’s current weight in kg? (kg - - imperial to metric converter: | |
3.10.10 | ANGBMImetric | BMI | Calculated |
3.10.12 | ANGObesityActivity | Please describe their activity level. | 1 – Decreased; 2 – Increased; 3 – Normal; 4 – Unknown |
3.10.13 | ANGObesityExcessiveIntake | Please describe their food intake. | 1 – Decreased; 2 – Increased; 3 – Normal; 4 – Unknown |
3.10.14 | ANGObesityFoodSeeking | Does they exhibit food seeking behaviours? | 1 – Yes, all the time; 2 – Yes, most of the time; 3 – Yes, some of the time; 4 – Yes, rarely; 5 – No, never; 6 – Unknown |
3.5 Sensory Problems - Has your child/adult ever experienced any of the following: (SensoryProblems)
No | Code | Question | Response |
3.13.1 | ANGStrabismus | Strabismus ? Strabismus is a vision condition in which a person can not align both eyes simultaneously under normal conditions. One or both of the eyes may turn in, out, up or down. An eye turn may be constant or intermittent . | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 – Unknown |
3.13.2 | ANGStrabismusStatus | What is the current status of their strabismus? Please indicate the current status of this medical condition in your child/ adult. | 1 – Currently experiencing; 2 - Intermittently experiencing/ episodic; 3 – Resolved; 4 – Unknown |
3.13.3 | ANGStrabismusTreatment | Please indicate any treatments used (Check all that apply. Please describe surgery in the Medical History and Hospitalisation module) | 1 – Glasses; 2 – Patching; 3 – Surgery; 4 No treatment; 5 – Other |
3.13.5 | ANGStrabismusRecurTreat | Were recurrences of strabismus treated? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 – Unknown |
3.13.6 | ANGMedCortical | Cortical visual impairment? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 – Unknown |
3.13.7 | ANGMedCorticalStatus | What is the current status of their cortical visual impairment? Please indicate the current status of this medical condition in your child/ adult. | 1 – Currently experiencing; 2 - Intermittently experiencing/ episodic; 3 – Resolved; 4 – Unknown |
3.14.1 | ANGOtitisMedia | Ear infections (otitis media)? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 – Unknown |
3.14.2 | ANGOtitisMediaStatus | What is the current status of their otitis media? Please indicate the current status of this medical condition in your child/ adult. | 1 – Currently experiencing; 2 - Intermittently experiencing/ episodic; 3 – Resolved; 4 – Unknown |
3.14.3 | ANGOtitisMediaYes | Please indicate the number of episodes per year | 1 – One off episode; 2 – 1 – 5 episodes per year; 3- > 5 episodes per year |
3.14.4 | AngMedHearing | Have they ever had their hearing tested? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 - Unknown |
3.14.5 | ANGHearingResult | What were the results? | 1 – Typical/Normal; 2 – Abnormal; 3 – Unknown |
3.6 Neurological Problems - Has your child/adult ever experienced any of the following: (ANGNeurological)
No | Code | Question | Response |
3.15.1 | AngMedAuditory | Auditory processing disorders? (Auditory processing disorder (APD) is a hearing problem that affects about 5% of school-aged children. Children with this condition can't process what they hear in the same way other children do because their ears and brain don't fully coordinate) | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 – Unknown |
3.15.2 | ANGMedAuditoryStatus | What is the current status of their auditory processing disorders? Please indicate the current status of this medical condition in your child/ adult. | 1 – Currently experiencing; 2 - Intermittently experiencing/ episodic; 3 – Resolved; 4 – Unknown |
3.15.3 | AngMedCorticalMyoclonus | Cortical myoclonus (tremors)? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 – Unknown |
3.15.4 | ANGMedCorticalMyoclonusStatus | What is the current status of their cortical myoclonus? Please indicate the current status of this medical condition in your child/ adult. | 1 – Currently experiencing; 2 - Intermittently experiencing/ episodic; 3 – Resolved; 4 – Unknown |
3.15.5a | ANGMedCorticalOnsetYears2 | What was their age at onset of cortical myoclonus? | |
3.15.8 | ANGMedCorticalSeverity | What is the severity? | 1 – Mild; 2 – Moderate; 3 - Severe; 4 – Varied; 5 – Unknown |
3.7 Allergies and Intolerances - Has your child/adult ever experienced any of the following: (ANGIntolerances)
No | Code | Question | Response |
4.1.1 | ANGAllergies | Diagnosed allergies? (An allergy occurs when a person’s immune system reacts to substances in the environment that are harmless for most people. These substances are known as allergens and are found in house dust mites, pets, pollen, insects, moulds, foods and some medicines.) | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 – Unknown |
4.1.4 | ANGMedAllergieStatus | What is the current status of their allergies? Please indicate the current status of this medical condition in your child/ adult. | 1 – Currently experiencing; 2 - Intermittently experiencing/ episodic; 3 – Resolved; 4 - Unknown |
4.1.2 | ANGAllergiesType | Please indicate the types of allergies | 1 – Dairy products; 2 – Gluten or wheat; 3 – Egg; 4 – Nuts; 5 – Sugar; 6 – Other food; 7 – Environmental triggers; 8 – Seasonal; 9 – Medications; 10 – Insect bites or stings; 11 – Other |
4.1.3 | ANGAllergySpecify | Please specify details of allergies | |
4.2.1 | ANGIntolerances | Intolerances? (Intolerance is an inability to eat a food or take a drug without adverse effects. Unlike an allergy, it does not involve the immune system or cause severe allergic reactions such as anaphylaxis.) | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 – Unknown |
4.2.3 | ANGMedIntolerance Status | What is the current status of their intolerances? Please indicate the current status of this medical condition in your child/ adult. | 1 – Currently experiencing; 2 - Intermittently experiencing/ episodic; 3 – Resolved; 4 – Unknown |
4.2.2a | ANGIntoleranceType | Please indicate the types of intolerances (Check all that apply) | 1 – Dairy products; 2 – Gluten or wheat; 3 – Egg; 4 – Nuts; 5 – Sugar; 6 – Other food; 7 – Environmental triggers; 8 – Seasonal; 9 – Medications; 10 – Insect bites or stings; 11 – Other |
4.2.2 | ANGIntolerancesDetails | Please specify details of intolerances |
3.8 Other Medical Conditions (ANGOther)
No | Code | Question | Response |
3.16.1 | AngMedConditionYes1 | Has your child/ adult had any other medical conditions that have not been covered? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
3.16.2 | AngMedCondition1 | If yes, what is the condition? | |
3.16.3 | ANGMedCondition1Status | What is the current status of this condition? Please indicate the current status of this medical condition in your child/ adult. | 1 – Currently experiencing; 2 - Intermittently experiencing/ episodic; 3 – Resolved; 4 – Unknown |
3.16.4a | ANGMedOnsetYears1a | What was the age at onset of the condition? | |
3.16.7 | ANGMedSeverity1 | What is the severity, if applicable? | 1 – Mild; 2 – Moderate; 3 - Severe; 4 – Varied; 5 – Unknown |
3.16.9 | ANGMedRecurFreq1 | If episodic or recurring, how often does the condition recur? | 1 – One off episode; 2 – Less than once a year; 3 – 1 – 5 episodes per year; 4 - 5 or more episodes per year |
3.16.10 | ANGMedOtherComment1 | Do you have any other comments about this condition? |
4.3 Hospitalisations and Surgical Procedures (ANGHospitalisations)
No | Code | Question | Response |
4.3.1 | ANGHospitalVisits | Has your child/ adult ever been hospitalised? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 - Unknown |
4.3.3 | ANGSurgicalProcedures | Has your child/ adult had any surgical procedures? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 - Unknown |
4.3.4 | ANGSurgeryNumber | Please indicate the number of surgeries | |
4.3.5 | ANGAnaesthetic | Has your child/ adult ever undergone anaesthesia? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 - Unknown |
4.3.6 | ANGAnaestheticNumber | Please indicate the number of anaesthesias | 1- None; 2 – One only; 3 – 2 – 5; 4 – 5 – 10; 6 – More than 10 |
4.4 Details of Hospitalisation/Surgery (ANGHospitalVisit1)
No | Code | Question | Response |
4.4.3a | ANGAgeHospitalVisit1a | Child/ adult's age at admission | |
4.4.5 | ANGHospitalVisit1Reason | Hospitalisation reason | 1 – Seizure; 2 – Feeding problems; 3 – Surgery; 4 – Infection; 5 – Other |
4.4.6 | ANGHospSurgery1 | If surgery, what was the reason? (e.g. Corrective alignment (toe walking, scoliosis), strabismus | |
4.4.7 | ANGHospOther1 | If other, what was the reason? | |
4.4.8 | ANGHospitalVisit1DaysInHospital | Number of days in hospital | |
4.4.10 | ANGHospitalVisit1LevelOfCare | Level of care | 1 – Low (medical ward); 2 – Medium (high dependency unit); 3 – High (Intensive care) ; 4 – Emergency department |
4.5.1. Speech,Language and Communication (ANGBEHDEVSPEECHLANGUAGE)
No | Code | Question | Response | | ANGBEHDEVALLLANG | Please indicate all language communication forms used | 1 – Moans; 2 – Babbles ; 3 – Uses an intentional sound to attract attention; 4 – Single words ; 5 – 2-3 word phrases; 6 – Longer phrase speech | | ANGBEHDEVNUMWORDS | How many words (or word approximations)? | 1 – 1-5; 2 – 5-10; 3 – More than 10 Range/RadioWidget; ANGNUMWORDSPVG) | | ANGSpeakFrequency | How often do they use words or word approximations | 1 – All the time; 2 – Most of the time; 3 – Some of the time; 4 – Rarely; 5 – Never; 6 – Unknown | | ANGSpeakAge | At what age did they say their first word? | | | ANGBEHDEVALLLANG | If yes, please indicate their most effective verbal language communication. | 1 – Moans; 2 – Babbles ; 3 – Uses an intentional sound to attract attention; 4 – Single words ; 5 – 2-3 word phrases; 6 – Longer phrase speech | | ANGBEHDEVBESTUNDERSTANDING | Please indicate their most effective ability to respond to requests. | 1 – Single word such as no; 2 – Simple phrase command such as “Don’t touch”; 3 -Commands - single step- longer sentence i,e, “Go to your room now”; 4 -Commands - 2 step e.g “Go to your room and bring back your water bottle.”; 5 - Commands - 3 step; 6 – None of the above | | ANGBEHDEVPREFCOMMBEST2 | What is your child/ adult’s method of communicating with you? Check all that apply | 1 – Spoken words; 2 – Gestures; 3 – Signing; 4 – Visual pictures; 5 – Eye tracking devices; 6 – Low tech AAC ; 7 – Mid tech ; 8 – High tech AAC |
4.5.2. Please rate your child/ adult ability to use the following communication methods/systems: (ANGBEHDEVCOMMUNICATION)
No | Code | Question | Response | | ANGBEHDEVCOMSpoken | Spoken words | 1 - Doesn’t use; 2 - Rarely uses; 3 - Uses for single requests or to express basic wants, needs, observations and ideas regularly; 4 - Communicates effectively with known people; 5 - Communicates effectively with known and unknown people | | ANGBEHDEVCOMGesture | Gestures | As above | | ANGBEHDEVCOMSigning | Signing | As above | | ANGBEHDEVCOMVisPic | Visual pictures | As above | | ANGBEHDEVCOMEyeTrack | Eye tracking devices | As above | | ANGBEHDEVCOMLowTech | Low tech AAC (light tech or paper based, e.g. PODD books, core vocab boards, aided language displays) | As above | | ANGBEHDEVCOMMidTech | Mid tech (big mark switches, tech talks or voice output) | As above | | ANGBEHDEVCOMHighTech | High tech AAC (e.g. Dynamic display, iPad, Novachat Tobii) | As above |
4.5.3. Assisted and Augmented Communication (AAC) Usage (ANGCOMACCINDIV)
No | Code | Question | Response | | ANGAACSL | Has your child/adult participated in speech-language therapy before? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 - Unknown | | ANGAACCM | Have you heard of the Communication Matrix tool? | 1 - Yes, and I have completed it myself; 2 - Yes, and it has been completed by a third party ; 3 - Yes, I have heard about it but I have not completed it; 4 - No, I have never heard of it |
ANGCMMATRIX | If you have participated in the Communication Matrix as a caregiver, please record your Matrix ID | ||
ANGCMDATE | Administration Date | ||
ANGCMTOTAL | Total Score | ||
ANGCMPERCENT | Percentage | || | ANGAACUse | Does your child/ adult use a form of Augmentative and Alternative Communication ? | 1 – Yes; 2 - No ; 3 - Unsure what AAC is and if it is helpful | | ANGAACInterest | If you have not used AAC, are you interested in using AAC with your child/ adult? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No | | ANGAACNo | Why not? | | | ANGAACDeny2 | If you were denied a form of AAC therapy, what reason was given for this? | 1 - Not making progress; 2 - They were told the individual with AS was not a candidate for AAC; 3 - Need to work on skills before introducing AAC; 4 - Not ready for AAC; 5 – Other | | ANGAACDenyOth | Please state | | | ANGAACLoc | Where does your child/ adult use AAC? (Select all that apply) | 1 – Home; 2 – School; 3 - Speech therapy; 4 - Other | | ANGAACLocOth | Please state | | | ANGAACHome | How often do you estimate that they use AAC to communicate at Home? | 1 - All of the time; 2 - Some of the time; 3 – Rarely; 4 – Never | | ANGAACHomeType | What type of AAC does your child/ adult use to communicate at home? | 2 – Gestures; 3 – Signing; 4 – Visual pictures; 5 – Eye tracking devices; 6 – Low tech AAC (light tech or paper based, e.g. PODD books, core vocab boards, aided language displays); 7 – Mid tech (big mack switches, tech talks or voice output); 8 – High tech AAC (e.g. Dynamic display, iPad, Novachat Tobii); 9-Other | | ANGAACHomeOther | If other, please describe | | | ANGAACSchool | How often do you estimate that they use AAC to communicate at School? | 1 - All of the time; 2 - Some of the time; 3 – Rarely; 4 – Never | | ANGAACSchoolType | What type of AAC does your child/ adult use to communicate at school? | 2 – Gestures; 3 – Signing; 4 – Visual pictures; 5 – Eye tracking devices; 6 – Low tech AAC (light tech or paper based, e.g. PODD books, core vocab boards, aided language displays); 7 – Mid tech (big mack switches, tech talks or voice output); 8 – High tech AAC (e.g. Dynamic display, iPad, Novachat Tobii); 9-Other | | ANGAACSchoolOther | If other, please describe | | | ANGAACST | How often do you estimate that they use AAC to communicate at Speech Therapy? | 1 - All of the time; 2 - Some of the time; 3 – Rarely; 4 – Never | | ANGAACSpeechType | What type of AAC does your child/ adult use to communicate at speech therapy? | 2 – Gestures; 3 – Signing; 4 – Visual pictures; 5 – Eye tracking devices; 6 – Low tech AAC (light tech or paper based, e.g. PODD books, core vocab boards, aided language displays); 7 – Mid tech (big mack switches, tech talks or voice output); 8 – High tech AAC (e.g. Dynamic display, iPad, Novachat Tobii); 9-Other | | ANGAACSpeechOther | If other, please describe | | | ANGAACHear | How did you hear about AAC? Select all that apply. | 1 – Online; 2 - At a conference; 3 - From another parent; 4 - From a teacher; 5 - From a speech therapist; 6 - From another therapist; 7 - From behavioral services; 8 - From genetics/medical doctor; 9 - Can’t remember/Unknown | | ANGAACStart | How long after diagnosis did you start using AAC? | 1 - Upon diagnosis; 2 - Less than three months after diagnosis; 3 - 3-6 months after diagnosis; 4 - 7-24 months after diagnosis; 5 - 2 - 4 years after diagnosis; 6 - 5+ years after diagnosis | | ANGAACFunction | For what function of communication does your child/ adult use AAC with you? Select all that apply. | 1 - Make requests; 2 - Reject/refuse; 3 - Make comments ; 4 Express emotional and physical states ; 5 - Label ; 6 - Answer questions; 7 - Call someone ; 8 - Assert independence ; 9 – Greet; 10 - Ask questions; 11 - Direct other’s actions ; 12 - Share personal experiences ; 13 - Share thoughts and ideas; 14 - Express manners | | ANGAACDevice | Does your child/ adult use an electronic communication device for other purposes than AAC? Select all that apply. | 1 - Watching videos ; 2 -Listening to music; 3 - Playing games; 4 – Other | | ANGAACDevOth | Please specify | | | ANGAACDurCOM | On a typical day, how many hours do they spend using the device for AAC purposes? | 1 - Less than 2 hours; 2 - Between 2 and 4 hours; 3 - More than 4 hours | | ANGAACDurOth | On a typical day, how many hours do they spend using the device for other purposes than AAC? | 1 - Less than 2 hours; 2 - Between 2 and 4 hours; 3 - More than 4 hours |
4.5.3. Assisted and Augmented Communication (AAC) Usage (ANGCOMACCINDIV)
No | Code | Question | Response | | ANGAACSL | Has your child/adult participated in speech-language therapy before? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 - Unknown | | ANGAACCM | Have you heard of the Communication Matrix tool? | 1 - Yes, and I have completed it myself; 2 - Yes, and it has been completed by a third party ; 3 - Yes, I have heard about it but I have not completed it; 4 - No, I have never heard of it |
ANGCMMATRIX | If you have participated in the Communication Matrix as a caregiver, please record your Matrix ID | ||
ANGCMDATE | Administration Date | ||
ANGCMTOTAL | Total Score | ||
ANGCMPERCENT | Percentage | || | ANGAACUse | Does your child/ adult use a form of Augmentative and Alternative Communication ? | 1 – Yes; 2 - No ; 3 - Unsure what AAC is and if it is helpful | | ANGAACInterest | If you have not used AAC, are you interested in using AAC with your child/ adult? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No | | ANGAACNo | Why not? | | | ANGAACDeny2 | If you were denied a form of AAC therapy, what reason was given for this? | 1 - Not making progress; 2 - They were told the individual with AS was not a candidate for AAC; 3 - Need to work on skills before introducing AAC; 4 - Not ready for AAC; 5 – Other | | ANGAACDenyOth | Please state | | | ANGAACLoc | Where does your child/ adult use AAC? (Select all that apply) | 1 – Home; 2 – School; 3 - Speech therapy; 4 - Other | | ANGAACLocOth | Please state | | | ANGAACHome | How often do you estimate that they use AAC to communicate at Home? | 1 - All of the time; 2 - Some of the time; 3 – Rarely; 4 – Never | | ANGAACHomeType | What type of AAC does your child/ adult use to communicate at home? | 2 – Gestures; 3 – Signing; 4 – Visual pictures; 5 – Eye tracking devices; 6 – Low tech AAC (light tech or paper based, e.g. PODD books, core vocab boards, aided language displays); 7 – Mid tech (big mack switches, tech talks or voice output); 8 – High tech AAC (e.g. Dynamic display, iPad, Novachat Tobii); 9-Other | | ANGAACHomeOther | If other, please describe | | | ANGAACSchool | How often do you estimate that they use AAC to communicate at School? | 1 - All of the time; 2 - Some of the time; 3 – Rarely; 4 – Never | | ANGAACSchoolType | What type of AAC does your child/ adult use to communicate at school? | 2 – Gestures; 3 – Signing; 4 – Visual pictures; 5 – Eye tracking devices; 6 – Low tech AAC (light tech or paper based, e.g. PODD books, core vocab boards, aided language displays); 7 – Mid tech (big mack switches, tech talks or voice output); 8 – High tech AAC (e.g. Dynamic display, iPad, Novachat Tobii); 9-Other | | ANGAACSchoolOther | If other, please describe | | | ANGAACST | How often do you estimate that they use AAC to communicate at Speech Therapy? | 1 - All of the time; 2 - Some of the time; 3 – Rarely; 4 – Never | | ANGAACSpeechType | What type of AAC does your child/ adult use to communicate at speech therapy? | 2 – Gestures; 3 – Signing; 4 – Visual pictures; 5 – Eye tracking devices; 6 – Low tech AAC (light tech or paper based, e.g. PODD books, core vocab boards, aided language displays); 7 – Mid tech (big mack switches, tech talks or voice output); 8 – High tech AAC (e.g. Dynamic display, iPad, Novachat Tobii); 9-Other | | ANGAACSpeechOther | If other, please describe | | | ANGAACHear | How did you hear about AAC? Select all that apply. | 1 – Online; 2 - At a conference; 3 - From another parent; 4 - From a teacher; 5 - From a speech therapist; 6 - From another therapist; 7 - From behavioral services; 8 - From genetics/medical doctor; 9 - Can’t remember/Unknown | | ANGAACStart | How long after diagnosis did you start using AAC? | 1 - Upon diagnosis; 2 - Less than three months after diagnosis; 3 - 3-6 months after diagnosis; 4 - 7-24 months after diagnosis; 5 - 2 - 4 years after diagnosis; 6 - 5+ years after diagnosis | | ANGAACFunction | For what function of communication does your child/ adult use AAC with you? Select all that apply. | 1 - Make requests; 2 - Reject/refuse; 3 - Make comments ; 4 Express emotional and physical states ; 5 - Label ; 6 - Answer questions; 7 - Call someone ; 8 - Assert independence ; 9 – Greet; 10 - Ask questions; 11 - Direct other’s actions ; 12 - Share personal experiences ; 13 - Share thoughts and ideas; 14 - Express manners | | ANGAACDevice | Does your child/ adult use an electronic communication device for other purposes than AAC? Select all that apply. | 1 - Watching videos ; 2 -Listening to music; 3 - Playing games; 4 – Other | | ANGAACDevOth | Please specify | | | ANGAACDurCOM | On a typical day, how many hours do they spend using the device for AAC purposes? | 1 - Less than 2 hours; 2 - Between 2 and 4 hours; 3 - More than 4 hours | | ANGAACDurOth | On a typical day, how many hours do they spend using the device for other purposes than AAC? | 1 - Less than 2 hours; 2 - Between 2 and 4 hours; 3 - More than 4 hours |
4.5.4 Assisted and Augmented Communication (AAC) Usage by Others (ANGCOMACCOTH)
No | Code | Question | Response | | ANGAACPerson | Who else uses the AAC to communicate with your child/ adult? Select all that apply. | 1 - Family members; 2 – Friends; 3 - School teachers; 4 - Speech therapists; 5 – Caregivers; 6 – Other | | ANGAACPerOth | Please specify. | | | ANGAACTrain | Did you, as a caregiver, receive training on how to use AAC with your child/ adult? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No | | ANGAACTrainWho | Please give details of who provided the AAC training to you. Select all that apply. | 1 – School; 2 - AAC company directly; 3 - General AAC workshops; 4 - Online training; 5 - Speech therapist; 6 -Other (AACTraining) | | ANGAACTrainOth | Please specify. | | | ANGAACTrainDur | How much training have you, as a caregiver, had on using AAC? | 1 – None; 2 - Self-trained via e.g. YouTube training; 3 - Up to 1 hour; 4 - Up to 8 hour (1-full day training); 5 - Several days of training | | ANGAACConfident | How confident/comfortable are you, as a caregiver, in using AAC with your child/ adult? | 1 – Limited; 2 – Confident; 3 - Highly-confident |
5a.1 Please describe these types of muscle tone (ANGMuscleTone)
No | Code | Question | Response |
5a.1.1 | ANGBEHDEVMuscleTrunk | How would you describe your child/ adult’s muscle tone? | 1 – Low; 2 – Medium; 3 – High; 4 - Mixed |
5a.1.2 | ANGBEHDEVMuscleTrunk2 | How would you describe your child/ adult’s muscle tone in his/her trunk? Trunk includes the neck, back and stomach. | 1 – Low; 2 – Medium; 3 – High; 4 - Mixed |
5a.1.3 | ANGBEHDEVMuscleLimbs | How would you describe your child/ adult’s muscle tone in his/her limbs? Limbs includes the arms/ hands and legs/ feet | 1 – Low; 2 – Medium; 3 – High; 4 - Mixed |
5a.2. Current Development: General Impressions (ANGBEHDEVGENERALIMPRESSION)
No | Code | Question | Response |
5a.2.1 | ANGBEHDEVGENIMPRESS | Tick which best applies to your child/ adult’s ability to learn | 1 – Continues to learn new things; 2 –Learning is static; 3 Lost some skills in the last year. |
5a.2.2 | ANGBEHDEVLOSTWHAT | If they have lost significant skills, what skills have they lost? | 1 – Speech; 2 – Understanding; 3 – Motor |
5a.2.3 | ANGBEHDEVLOSTMOTOR | What motor skills? (Check all that apply) | 1 – Walking; 2 – Dressing; 3 – Feeding; 4 – Other |
5a.2.4 | ANGBEHDEVLOSTMOTOROTH | Please describe |
5a.3 Other comments (ANGGENERALCOMMENTSec)
No | Code | Question | Response |
5a.3.1 | ANGGENERALCOMMENT | Any other comments about your child/ adult’s development? |
5b.1 Current Development: Gross Motor function (ANGBEHDEVMOTORFUNCTION)
No | Code | Question | Response |
5b.1.1 | ANGBEHDEVMOBILITYBEST | Please indicate the individual with Angelman Syndrome’s best mobility | 1 – Can’t mobilise; 2 - Rolls across floor; 3 – Crawls; 4 – Shuffles/scoots along seated; 5 - Stands supported but not mobilising; 6 - Stands alone with minimal support; 7 - Stands alone; 8 - Mobilises walking with support; 9 - Mobilises walking with minimal support; 10 - Walks independently but loses balance occasionally; 11 - Walks but very unsteady; 12 - Walks with stable gait; 13 - Runs independently; 14 - Climbs stairs (alternating foot over foot); 15 – Jumps ((Range/ |
5b.1.2 | ANGBEHDEVMOBILITYSUPPORT | If they use support, what form of support do they use? (Check all that apply) | 1 – Walking frame (walker and gait trainer); 2 – Wheelchair for long distances; 3 – Wheelchair for all mobilisation |
5b.1.3 | ANGBEHDEVTYPICALGAIT | Would you describe your child/ adult’s gait as typical when compared to the typically developing age matched peers? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 – Unknown |
5b.1.4 | ANGBEHDEVATYPGAIT | Please describe your child/ adult's gait | 1 – Broad based/ wide; 2 – Lopsided; 3 – Jerky; 4 – Frequent falls; 5 – Gets tired; 6 – Walks on toes; 7 - Walks with knees bent (crouched); 8 – Walks with feet turned in; 9 – Walks with feet turned out |
5b.1.5 | ANGBEHDEVGAIT | Would you describe their gait as: | 1 – Getting better; 2 – Stable; 3 – Getting worse |
5b.1.6 | ANGBEHDEVGAITWORSE | Please describe |
5b.2 Gross Motor Function - please describe your child/adult's ability to do the following: (GROSSMOTOR)
No | Code | Question | Response |
5b.2.1a | ANGGROSSMOTORROLLABILITYL | Roll across the floor | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5b.2.1b | ANGGROSSMOTORROLLABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5b.2.1c | ANGGROSSMOTORROLLFREQL | And frequency | |
5b.2.1d | ANGGROSSMOTORROLLAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity) | |
5b.2.2a | ANGGROSSMOTORSITABILITYL | Sit up | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5b.2.2b | ANGGROSSMOTORSITABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5b.2.2c | ANGGROSSMOTORSITFREQL | And frequency | |
5b.2.2d | ANGGROSSMOTORSITAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity) | |
5b.2.3a | ANGGROSSMOTORCRAWLABILITYL | Crawl | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5b.2.3b | ANGGROSSMOTORCRAWLABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5b.2.3c | ANGGROSSMOTORCRAWLFREQL | And frequency | |
5b.2.3d | ANGGROSSMOTORCRAWLAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity) | |
5b.2.4a | ANGGROSSMOTORSHUFFLEABILITYL | Shuffles or scoots when seated | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5b.2.4b | ANGGROSSMOTORSHUFFLEABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5b.2.4c | ANGGROSSMOTORSHUFFLEFREQL | And frequency | |
5b.2.4d | ANGGROSSMOTORSHUFFLEAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity) | |
5b.2.5a | ANGGROSSMOTORSTANDABILITYL | Stand up | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5b.2.5b | ANGGROSSMOTORSTANDABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5b.2.5c | ANGGROSSMOTORSTANDFREQL | And frequency | |
5b.2.15d | ANGGROSSMOTORSTANDAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity) | |
5b.2.6a | ANGGROSSMOTORWALKABILITYL | Walk (unassisted) | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5b.2.6b | ANGGROSSMOTORWALKABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5b.2.6c | ANGGROSSMOTORWALKFREQL | And frequency | |
5b.2.6d | ANGGROSSMOTORWALKAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity) | |
5b.2.7a | ANGGROSSMOTORRUNABILITYL | Run | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5b.2.7b | ANGGROSSMOTORRUNABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5b.2.7c | ANGGROSSMOTORRUNFREQL | And frequency | |
5b.2.7d | ANGGROSSMOTORRUNAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity) | |
5b.2.8a | ANGGROSSMOTORSTAIRSABILITYL | Climb stairs | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5b.2.8b | ANGGROSSMOTORSTAIRSABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5b.2.8c | ANGGROSSMOTORSTAIRSFREQL | And frequency | |
5b.2.8d | ANGGROSSMOTORSTAIRSAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity) | |
5b.2.9a | ANGGROSSMOTORJUMPABILITYL | Jump | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5b.2.9b | ANGGROSSMOTORJUMPABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5b.2.9c | ANGGROSSMOTORJUMPFREQL | And frequency | |
5b.2.9d | ANGGROSSMOTORJUMPAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity) |
5.3 Fine Motor Function - please describe your child/adult's ability to do the following: (FINEMOTOR)
No | Code | Question | Response |
5b.3.1a | ANGFINEMOTORHOLDABILITYL | Hold things, such as a stuffed toy | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5b.3.1b | ANGFINEMOTORHOLDABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5b.3.1c | ANGFINEMOTORHOLDFREQL | And frequency | |
5b.3.1d | ANGFINEMOTORHOLDAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity) | |
5b.3.2a | ANGFINEMOTORPOINTABILITYL | Point to indicate things | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5b.3.2b | ANGFINEMOTORPOINTABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5b.3.2c | ANGFINEMOTORPOINTFREQL | And frequency | |
5b.3.2d | ANGFINEMOTORPOINTAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity) | |
5b.3.3a | ANGFINEMOTORTRANSFERABILITYL | Transfer things between hands | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5b.3.3b | ANGFINEMOTORTRANSFERABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5b.3.3c | ANGFINEMOTORTRANSFERFREQL | And frequency | |
5b.3.3d | ANGFINEMOTORTRANSFERAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity) | |
5b.3.4a | ANGFINEMOTORPENCILABILITYL | Hold a pencil and scribble | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5b.3.4b | ANGFINEMOTORPENCILABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5b.3.4c | ANGFINEMOTORPENCILFREQL | And frequency | |
5b.3.4d | ANGFINEMOTORPENCILAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity) | |
5b.3.5a | ANGFINEMOTORDRAWABILITYL | Hold a pencil and draw | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5b.3.5b | ANGFINEMOTORDRAWABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5b.3.5c | ANGFINEMOTORDRAWFREQL | And frequency | |
5b.3.5d | ANGFINEMOTORDRAWAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity) | |
5b.3.6a | ANGFINEMOTORLARGEBALLABILITYL | Catch a large ball | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5b.3.6c | ANGFINEMOTORLARGEBALLFREQL | And frequency | |
5b.3.6d | ANGFINEMOTORLARGEBALLAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity) | |
5b.3.7a | ANGFINEMOTORSMALLABILITYL | Catch a small ball | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5b.3.7b | ANGFINEMOTORSMALLABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5b.3.7c | ANGFINEMOTORSMALLFREQL | And frequency | |
5b.3.7d | ANGFINEMOTORSMALLAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity) |
5b.4 Other comments (ANGMOTORCOMMENTSec)
No | Code | Question | Response |
5b.4.1 | ANGMOTORCOMMENT | Any other comments about your child/ adult’s motor function? |
5c.1. Adaptive Skills – Dressing - please describe your child/adult's ability to do the following: (ANGADAPTBEHDRESS)
No | Code | Question | Response |
5c.1.1a | ANGDRESSPUTUPHANDSABILITYL | Put up their hands to help dress | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5c.1.1b | ANGDRESSPUTUPHANDSABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5c.1.1c | ANGDRESSPUTUPHANDSFREQL | And frequency | |
5c.1.1d | ANGDRESSPUTUPHANDSAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity) | |
5c.1.2a | ANGDRESSREMOVESIMPLEABILITYL | Take off simple clothes such as socks | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5c.1.2b | ANGDRESSREMOVESIMPLEABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5c.1.2c | ANGDRESSREMOVESIMPLEFREQL | And frequency | |
5c.1.2d | ANGDRESSREMOVESIMPLEAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity) | |
5c.1.3a | ANGDRESSREMOVECOMPLEXABILITYL | Take off complex clothes such as shirts | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5c.1.3c | ANGDRESSREMOVECOMPLEXFREQL | And frequency | |
5c.1.3d | ANGDRESSREMOVECOMPLEXAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity) | |
5c.1.4a | ANGFINEMOTORVELCROABILITYL | Do up velcro | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5c.1.4b | ANGFINEMOTORVELCROABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5c.1.4c | ANGFINEMOTORVELCROFREQL | And frequency | |
5c.1.4d | ANGFINEMOTORVELCROAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity) | |
5c.1.5a | ANGFINEMOTORBUTTONABILITYL | Do up buttons or zippers | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5c.1.5b | ANGFINEMOTORBUTTONABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5c.1.5c | ANGFINEMOTORBUTTONFREQL | And frequency | |
5c.1.5d | ANGFINEMOTORBUTTONAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity) | |
5c.1.6a | ANGDRESSSELFERRORABILITYL | Dress themselves, even if not always right (eg buttons not lined up, clothes back to front) | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5c.1.6b | ANGDRESSSELFERRORABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5c.1.6c | ANGDRESSSELFERRORFREQL | And frequency | |
5c.1.6d | ANGDRESSSELFERRORAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity) | |
5c.1.7a | ANGDRESSSELFOKABILITYL | Dress themselves without assistance | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5c.1.7b | ANGDRESSSELFOKABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5c.1.7c | ANGDRESSSELFOKFREQL | And frequency | |
5c.1.7d | ANGDRESSSELFOKAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity) | |
5c.1.8a | ANGDRESSAPPRPRIATEABILITYL | Chooses clothes appropriately (eg warm clothes if cold) | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5c.1.8b | ANGDRESSAPPRPRIATEABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5c.1.8c | ANGDRESSAPPRPRIATEFREQL | And frequency | |
5c.1.8d | ANGDRESSAPPRPRIATEAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity) |
5c.2. Adaptive Skills – Toileting and Continence - please describe your child/adult's ability to do the following: (ANGADAPTBEHTOILETING)
No | Code | Question | Response |
5c.2.1a | ANGTOILETCONTINENTABILITYL | Is continent (toilet trained) | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5c.2.1b | ANGTOILETCONTINENTABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5c.2.1c | ANGTOILETCONTINENTFREQL | And frequency | |
5c.2.1d | ANGTOILETCONTINENTAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity | |
5c.2.2a | ANGTOILETBEHABILITYL | Showed indications of toileting behaviours | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5c.2.2b | ANGTOILETBEHABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5c.2.2c | ANGTOILETBEHFREQL | And frequency | |
5c.2.2d | ANGTOILETBEHAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity | |
5c.2.3a | ANGTOILETTIMEDABILITYL | Timed to go to the toilet (eg taken to the toilet every 3 hours) | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5c.2.3b | ANGTOILETTIMEDABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5c.2.3c | ANGTOILETTIMEDFREQL | And frequency | |
5c.2.3d | ANGTOILETTIMEDAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity | |
5c.2.4a | ANGTOILETINDICATEABILITYL | Indicates when they want to go to the toilet | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5c.2.4b | ANGTOILETINDICATEABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5c.2.4c | ANGTOILETINDICATEFREQL | And frequency | |
5c.2.4d | ANGTOILETINDICATEAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity | |
5c.2.5a | ANGTOILETSTOOLSABILITYL | Continent of stools (bowel movements) | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5c.2.5b | ANGTOILETSTOOLSABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5c.2.5c | ANGTOILETSTOOLSFREQL | And frequency | |
5c.2.5d | ANGTOILETSTOOLSAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity | |
5c.2.6a | ANGTOILETURINEDAYABILITYL | Continent of urine (dry) during the day | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5c.2.6b | ANGTOILETURINEDAYABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5c.2.6c | ANGTOILETURINEDAYFREQL | And frequency | |
5c.2.6d | ANGTOILETURINEDAYAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity | |
5c.2.7a | ANGTOILETURINENIGHTABILITYL | Continent of urine (dry) at night | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5c.2.7b | ANGTOILETURINENIGHTABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5c.2.7c | ANGTOILETURINENIGHTFREQL | And frequency | |
5c.2.7d | ANGTOILETURINENIGHTAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity |
5c. 3. Adaptive Behaviour: Eating - please describe your child/adult's ability to do the following: (ANGBEHDEVEATING2L)
No | Code | Question | Response |
5c.3.1a | ANGBEHDEVDONTLIKE | Are there textures or tastes he/she really doesn’t like? | 1 - Yes; 2 – No; 3 - Unknown |
5c.3.1b | ANGBEHDEVDONTLIKEWHAT2 | Please give examples. | 1 – Meat or fish; 2 – Fruit or vegetables 3 – Rice, pasta or bread 4 – Beans; 5 – Thick textures or pastes; 6 – Crunchy textures; 7 – Eggs; 8 – Hard textures; 9 – Soft textures; 10 – Crispy textures; 11 – Hot foods; 12 – Cold foods; 13 – Salty or savory foods; 14 – Sweet foods; 15 – Sour foods; 16 – Spicy foods; 17 – Dry textures; 18 – Wet textures; 19 – Solid foods; 20 – Chewy textures; 21 – Other |
5c.31c | ANGBEHDEVDONTLIKEWHAT | If yes, please give examples |
5c.3.2a | ANGEATINGFUSSYFREQL | Fussy with their food - frequency | |
5c.3.2b | ANGEATINGFUSSYAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity | |
5c.3.3a | ANGFINEMOTORBOTTLEABILITYL | Hold a bottle | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5c.3.3b | ANGFINEMOTORBOTTLEABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5c.3.3c | ANGFINEMOTORBOTTLEFREQL | And frequency | |
5c.3.3d | ANGFINEMOTORBOTTLEAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity | |
5c.3.4a | ANGEATINGTEXTUREABILITYL | Chew all textures | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5c.3.4b | ANGEATINGTEXTUREABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5c.3.4c | ANGEATINGTEXTUREAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity | |
5c.3.5a | ANGFINEMOTORFEEDABILITYL | Finger feed | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5c.3.5b | ANGFINEMOTORFEEDABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5c.3.5c | ANGFINEMOTORFEEDFREQL | And frequency | |
5c.3.5d | ANGFINEMOTORFEEDAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity | |
5c.3.6a | ANGFINEMOTORSPOONABILITYL | Hold a spoon and feed | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5c.3.6b | ANGFINEMOTORSPOONABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5c.3.6c | ANGFINEMOTORSPOONFREQL | And frequency | |
5c.3.6d | ANGFINEMOTORSPOONAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity | |
5c.3.7a | ANGFINEMOTORFORKABILITYL | Use a fork | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5c.3.7b | ANGFINEMOTORFORKABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5c.3.7c | ANGFINEMOTORFORKFREQL | And frequency | |
5c.3.7d | ANGFINEMOTORFORKAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity | |
5c.3.8a | ANGEATINGFEEDSELFABILITYL | Feed self using fingers or utensils | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5c.3.8b | ANGEATINGFEEDSELFABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5c.3.8c | ANGEATINGFEEDSELFFREQL | And frequency | |
5c.3.8d | ANGEATINGFEEDSELFAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity | |
5c.3.9a | ANGFINEMOTORHOLDCUPABILTYL | Hold a cup or tumbler and drink | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5c.3.9b | ANGFINEMOTORHOLDCUPABILTYDK | Or, don't know | |
5c.3.9c | ANGFINEMOTORHOLDCUPFREQL | And frequency | |
5c.3.9d | ANGFINEMOTORHOLDCUPAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity | |
5c.3.10a | ANGEATINGFEEDSUPPORTFREQL | Need support with feeding from a parent/caregiver - frequency | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5c.3.10b | ANGEATINGFEEDSUPPORTAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity | |
5c.3.11a | ANGEATINGFULLABILITYL | Indicates that they are full | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5c.3.11b | ANGEATINGFULLABILITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5c.3.11c | ANGEATINGFULLFREQL | And frequency | |
5c.3.11d | ANGEATINGFULLAGEL | And age? (Age first performed activity | |
5c.3.12a | ANGEATINGSUPPLEMENTFREQL | Use supplementation in the form of additional formulas - frequency | 1 – No difficulty; 2 – Mild difficulty; 3 – Moderate difficulty; 4 – Severe difficulty; 5 – Unable to perform activity; 6 – Unknown |
5c.4 Other comments (ANGADAPTCOMMENTSec)
No | Code | Question | Response |
5c.4.1 | ANGADAPTCOMMENT | Any other comments about your child/ adult’s dressing, toileting or eating? |
No | Code | Question | Response |
5d.1.1a | ANGBEHDEVPREFACT | What are your child/ adult’s preferred activities? (Check all that apply) | 1 – Socialising 2 – Being with familiar people 3 – Playing social games such as peek a boo or hide and seek 4 – Watching TV 5 – Using technology and games, e.g. iPads 6 – Swimming – Being outside; 8 – Music or dancing; 9 – Playing with toys; 10 – Riding a bike or scooter; 11 – Riding in a car/ travelling; 12 – Eating/ mealtimes; 13 – Bathing; 14 – Playing on play equipment; 15 – Other |
51.1b | ANGBEHDEVACTOTH | If other, Please state |
No | Code | Question | Response |
5d.2.1 | ANGBEHDEVGOODBEH2 | How problematic do you see your child/ adult’s behaviour on a scale of 1 to 10 in comparison to age matched typical peers? | Scale 1-10 (1 - No problems to 10 - Major problems) |
5d.3 Do they exhibit any of the following behaviours? l (ANGBEHDEVBEHAVIOURAL2)
No | Code | Question | Response |
5d.3.1a | ANGBEHDEVREPETL | Repetitive behaviours such as slapping the wall | |
5d.3.1b | ANGBEHDEVREPETDK | Or, don't know | |
5d.3.2a | ANGBEHDEVFOCALL | Unusual movements that are repetitive: Focal hand movements | |
5d.3.2b | ANGBEHDEVFOCALDK | Or, don't know | |
5d.3.3a | ANGBEHDEVWHOLEBODYL | Whole body movements | |
5d.3.3b | ANGBEHDEVWHOLEBODYDK | Or, don't know | |
5d.3.4a | ANGBEHDEVMOUTHL | Mouthing or chewing | |
5d.3.4b | ANGBEHDEVMOUTHDK | Or, don't know | |
5d.3.5a | ANGBEHDEVAGITATIONNEWL | Do they exhibit any of the following behaviours? Agitation in new situations | |
5d.3.5b | ANGBEHDEVAGITATIONNEWDK | Or, don't know | |
5d.3.6a | ANGBEHDEVFEARSTRANGERL | Fear of strangers | |
5d.3.6b | ANGBEHDEVFEARSTRANGERDK | Or, don't know | |
5d.3.7a | ANGBEHDEVSOCIALL | Will socialise with anyone | |
5d.3.7b | ANGBEHDEVSOCIALDK | Or, don't know | |
5d.3.8a | ANGBEHDEVFEARNEWL | Fear of new situations | |
5d.3.8b | ANGBEHDEVFEARNEWDK | Or, don't know | |
5d.3.9a | ANGBEHDEVANXIOUSL | Anxious behaviours | |
5d.3.9b | ANGBEHDEVANXIOUSDK | Or, don't know | |
5d.3.9c | ANGBEHDEVANXIOUSWHEN | When do they show these behaviours | 1 – New situations or people; 2 - Overstimulating settings (e.g. loud noise or crowds) ; 3 - Separation from parent/ caregiver ; 4 - Medical settings or tests; 5 - Having to wait; 6 - When ill or injured; 7 - When hungry or thirsty ; 8 - When unable to communicate; 9 – Other (Range/ DefaultWidget; AnxiousBeh) |
5d.3.9d | ANGBEHDEVANXIOUSWHAT2 | What anxious behaviours | 1 – Crying; 2 - Repetitive movements or laughter; 3 - Aggression (e.g. hitting, grabbing or hair pulling); 4 - Self harm (e.g biting own hand); 5 - Yelling or other vocalisations; 6 - Gagging or vomiting; 7 - Clinging to caregiver; 8 - Mouthing or chewing objects; 9 – Avoidance (e.g. drop to floor); 1 0 - Escape (e.g. running away); 11 - Other |
5.56.11 | ANGBEHDEVANXIOUSWHAT | If yes to anxious behaviours, what? | |
5d.3.10a | ANGBEHDEVOPPOSITIONALL | Oppositional behaviours, e.g. refusing to do something | |
5d.3.10b | ANGBEHDEVOPPOSITIONALDK | Or, don't know | |
5d.3.11a | ANGBEHDEVBITINGL | Aggressive behaviours: biting | |
5d.3.11b | ANGBEHDEVBITINGDK | Or, don't know | |
5d.3.12a | ANGBEHDEVHAIRPULLINGL | Hair pulling | |
5d.3.12b | ANGBEHDEVHAIRPULLINGDK | Or, don't know | |
5d.3.13a | ANGBEHDEVHITTINGL | Hitting | |
5d.3.13b | ANGBEHDEVHITTINGDK | Or, don't know | |
5d.3.14a | ANGBEHDEVGRABBINGL | Grabbing | |
5d.3.14b | ANGBEHDEVGRABBINGDK | Or, don't know | |
5d.3.15a | ANGBEHDEVHYPERACTIVITYL | Hyperactivity | |
5d.3.15b | ANGBEHDEVHYPERACTIVITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5d.3.16a | ANGBEHDEVPOORATTENTIONL | Poor attention | |
5d.3.16b | ANGBEHDEVPOORATTENTIONDK | Or, don't know | |
5d.3.17a | ANGBEHDEVGOODCONCENTRATIONL | Good concentration on things he/she enjoys such as iPad games | |
5d.3.17b | ANGBEHDEVGOODCONCENTRATIONDK | Or, don't know | |
5d.3.18a | ANGBEHDEVWATERL | Fascination with water | |
5d.3.18b | ANGBEHDEVWATERDK | Or, don't know | |
5d.3.19a | ANGBEHDEVIMPULSIVITYL | Impulsivity – such as running out on road/hitting out | |
5d.3.19b | ANGBEHDEVIMPULSIVITYDK | Or, don't know | |
5d.3.20a | ANGBEHDEVSMILINGNOTHINGL | Frequent smiling at nothing in particular | |
5d.3.20b | ANGBEHDEVSMILINGNOTHINGDK | Or, don't know | |
5d.3.21a | ANGBEHDEVSMILINGL | Frequent appropriate smiling | |
5d.3.21b | ANGBEHDEVSMILINGDK | Or, don't know | |
5d.3.22a | ANGBEHDEVSPONTLAUGHTERL | Spontaneous laughter at nothing in particular | |
5d.3.22b | ANGBEHDEVSPONTLAUGHTERDK | Or, don't know | |
5d.3.23a | ANGBEHDEVNIGHTLAUGHTERL | Night time laughter | |
5d.3.23b | ANGBEHDEVNIGHTLAUGHTERDK | Or, don't know | |
5d.3.24a | ANGBEHDEVAPPROPRIATELAUGHTERL | Appropriate laughter | |
5d.3.24b | ANGBEHDEVAPPROPRIATELAUGHTERDK | Or, don't know | |
5d.3.25a | ANGBEHDEVSEPANXIETYL | Separation anxiety | |
5d.3.25b | ANGBEHDEVSEPANXIETYDK | Or, don't know | |
5d.3.26a | ANGBEHDEVFEARLEFTL | Fear of being left at school or in care situations | |
5d.3.26b | ANGBEHDEVFEARLEFTDK | Or, don't know | |
5d.3.27a | ANGBEHDEVSKINPICKINGL | Do they exhibit self harming behaviour: Skin picking | |
5d.3.27b | ANGBEHDEVSKINPICKINGDK | Or, don't know | |
5d.3.28a | ANGBEHDEVHEADBANGINGL | Head banging | |
5d.3.28b | ANGBEHDEVHEADBANGINGDK | Or, don't know | |
5d.3.29a | ANGBEHDEVSELFHITTINGL | Self hitting | |
5d.3.29b | ANGBEHDEVSELFHITTINGDK | Or, don't know |
5d.4 Other comments (ANGBEHAVCOMMENTSec)
No | Code | Question | Response |
5d.4.1 | ANGBEHAVCOMMENT | Any other comments about your child/ adult’s behaviour? |
6.0 Seizure History (ANGSeizureTypes)
No | Code | Question | Response |
6.0.0 | ANGEpilepsyEver2 | Has your child/ adult ever experienced any seizures? | 1 – Yes; 2 - No |
6.0.1 | SeizureStatus | What is their current seizure status? Please report on your child/ adult's current seizure status | 1 – Controlled without medication; 2 - Controlled with medication; 3 - Controlled with diet; 4 - Mostly controlled with occasional breakthroughs; 5 - Uncontrolled with medication; 6 - Uncontrolled without medication; 7 – Unknown |
6.0.2 | ANGSeizureBreakthrough | What do you feel is the source of breakthrough seizures? | 1 - Illness/infection without fever; 2 - Illness/infection with fever; 3 - Co-medication/drug interaction; 4 - Tiredness/ fatigue; 5 - Emotions or overstimulation, e.g. stress, anxiety, or excitement; 6 - Hot weather, overheating or dehydration; 7 – Hormonal; 8 – Other; 9 - Unknown |
6.0.3 | ANGSeizureAgeFirst | What age was the first observed seizure activity? | |
6.0.4 | ANGSeizureType | What type of seizure was it? | 1 - Absence Seizures , 2 -Myoclonic seizures, 3 - Atonic Seizures , 4 - Tonic, Clonic and Tonic-Clonic Seizures 5 - Unknown/unaware of type |
6.0.5 | ANGSeizureFirstTrigger | What do you think triggered the seizure? | 1 - Illness/infection without fever; 2 - Illness/infection with fever; 3 - Co-medication/drug interaction; 4 - Tiredness/ fatigue; 5 - Emotions or overstimulation, e.g. stress, anxiety, or excitement; 6 - Hot weather, overheating or dehydration; 7 – Hormonal; 8 – Other; 9 - Unknown |
6.0.6 | ANGSeizureMedication | Was medication given? | Yes – please report in the medications and interventions module, No – |
6.0.7 | ANGSeizureHospitalisation | Was hospitalisation required? | Yes – please report in the medical history and hospitalisations module, No – |
6.0.8 | ANGSeizureMedicationOngoing | Was ongoing medication prescribed at this stage? | Yes – please report in the medications and interventions module, No – |
6.1 Has your child/ adult ever had any of the following seizure types? (ANGSeizureTypes)
No | Code | Question | Response |
6.1.1 | ANGAtonicTypeYNU | Atonic Seizures? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 - Unknown |
6.1.2 | ANGAtonicOnset | Age of onset | |
6.1.3 | ANGAtonicTypeStatus | Is your child/ adult currently free from atonic seizures? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
6.1.4 | ANGAtonicTypeRecur | Has your child/ adult experienced freedom or recurrences of atonic seizures in the past? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
6.1.5 | ANGAtonicTypeDescribe | ||
6.1.6 | ANGSeizureFrequencyAAtonic | How often do/did seizures occur? | 1- Daily; 2- Weekly; 3– Monthly; 4 – Yearly; 5 – Rarely (less than once a year) |
6.1.7 | ANGSeizureFrequencyBAtonic | How many seizures do they typically have in this time frame? | 1– Less than 5; 2 – 5-10; 3 – 10-20; 4 – 20-50; 5 – More than 50 |
6.1.8 | ANGAtonicTrigger | What events, if any, trigger their seizures? | 1 - Illness/infection without fever; 2 - Illness/infection with fever; 3 - Co-medication/drug interaction; 4 - Tiredness/ fatigue; 5 - Emotions or overstimulation, e.g. stress, anxiety, or excitement; 6 - Hot weather, overheating or dehydration; 7 – Hormonal; 8 – Other; 9 - Unknown |
6.1.9 | ANGAtonicTriggerOTH | Please specify | |
6.1.10 | ANGAtonicMedication | Ever been medicated for atonic seizures? | Yes – please report in the medications and interventions module, No – |
6.1.11 | ANGAtonicHospitalisation | Ever been hospitalised for atonic seizures? | Yes – please report in the medical history and hospitalisations module, No – |
6.1.12 | ANGAtonicComment | Please comment on any other details about their atonic seizures (eg significant seizure events/ changes) | |
6.1.13 | ANGTonicClonicTypeYNU | Tonic, Clonic or Tonic-Clonic seizures?? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 - Unknown |
6.1.14 | ANGTonicClonicTypeFG | Was it focal or generalised? | 1 – Focal; 2 – Generalised; 3 - Unknown |
6.1.16 | ANGTonicClonicTypeStatus | Has your child/ adult experienced freedom or recurrences of Tonic, Clonic or Tonic-Clonic seizures in the past? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
6.1.17 | ANGTonicClonicTypeTypeRecur | Please describe | |
6.1.18 | ANGTonicClonicTypeDescribe | How often do/did seizures occur? | 1- Daily; 2- Weekly; 3– Monthly; 4 – Yearly; 5 – Rarely (less than once a year) |
6.1.19 | SeizureFrequencyATonicClonic | How many seizures do they typically have in this time frame? | 1– Less than 5; 2 – 5-10; 3 – 10-20; 4– 20-50; 5 – More than 50 |
6.1.20 | SeizureFrequencyBTonicClonic | What events, if any, trigger their seizures? | 1 - Illness/infection without fever; 2 - Illness/infection with fever; 3 - Co-medication/drug interaction; 4 - Tiredness/ fatigue; 5 - Emotions or overstimulation, e.g. stress, anxiety, or excitement; 6 - Hot weather, overheating or dehydration; 7 – Hormonal; 8 – Other; 9 - Unknown |
6.1.21 | ANGTonicClonicTrigger | Please specify | |
6.1.22 | ANGTonicClonicTriggerOTH | Ever been medicated for Tonic, Clonic or Tonic-Clonic seizures? | Yes – please report in the medications and interventions module, No – |
6.1.23 | ANGTonicClonicMedication | Ever been hospitalised for Tonic, Clonic or Tonic-Clonic seizures? | Yes – please report in the medical history and hospitalisations module, No– |
6.1.24 | ANGTonicClonicHospitalisation | Please comment on any other details about their Tonic, Clonic or Tonic-Clonic seizures (eg significant seizure events/ changes) | |
6.1.25 | ANGTonicClonicComment | Please comment on any other details about their Tonic, Clonic or Tonic-Clonic seizures (eg significant seizure events/ changes) | |
6.1.26 | ANGMyoclonicTypeYNU | Myoclonic seizures? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 - Unknown |
6.1.27 | ANGMyoclonicOnset | Age of onset | |
6.1.28 | ANGMyoclonicTypeStatus | Is your child/ adult currently free from Myoclonic seizures seizures? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
6.1.29 | ANGMyoclonicTypeRecur | Has your child/ adult experienced freedom or recurrences of Myoclonic seizures in the past? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
6.1.30 | ANGMyoclonicTypeDescribe | Please describe | |
6.1.31 | SeizureFrequencyAMyoclonic | How often do/did seizures occur? | 1- Daily; 2- Weekly; 3– Monthly; 4 – Yearly; 5 – Rarely (less than once a year) |
6.1.32 | SeizureFrequencyBMyoclonic | How many seizures do they typically have in this time frame? | 1 – Less than 5; 2 – 5-10; 3 – 10-20; 4 – 20-50; 5 – More than 50 |
6.1.33 | ANGMyoclonicTrigger | What events, if any, trigger their seizures? | 1 - Illness/infection without fever; 2 - Illness/infection with fever; 3 - Co-medication/drug interaction; 4 - Tiredness/ fatigue; 5 - Emotions or overstimulation, e.g. stress, anxiety, or excitement; 6 - Hot weather, overheating or dehydration; 7 – Hormonal; 8 – Other; 9 - Unknown |
6.1.34 | ANGMyoclonicTriggerOTH | Please specify | |
6.1.35 | ANGMyoclonicMedication | Ever been medicated for Myoclonic seizures? | Yes – please report in the medications and interventions module, No – |
6.1.36 | ANGMyoclonicHospitalisation | Ever been hospitalised for Myoclonic seizures? | Yes – please report in the medical history and hospitalisations module, No – |
6.1.37 | ANGMyoclonicComment | Please comment on any other details about their Myoclonic seizures (eg significant seizure events/ changes) | |
6.1.38 | ANGClusterMotorTypeYNU | Cluster motor seizures? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 - Unknown |
6.1.39 | ANGClusterMotorTypeOnset | Age of onset | |
6.1.40 | ANGClusterMotorTypeStatus | Is your child/ adult currently free from Cluster motor seizures? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
6.1.41 | ANGClusterMotorTypeRecur | Has your child/ adult experienced freedom or recurrences of Cluster motor seizures in the past? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
6.1.42 | ANGClusterMotorTypeDescribe | Please describe | |
6.1.43 | SeizureFrequencyAClusterMotor | How often do/did seizures occur? | 1- Daily; 2- Weekly; 3– Monthly; 4 – Yearly; 5 – Rarely (less than once a year) |
6.1.44 | SeizureFrequencyBClusterMotor | How many seizures do they typically have in this time frame? | 1– Less than 5; 2 – 5-10; 3 – 10-20; 4– 20-50; 5 – More than 50 |
6.1.45 | ClusterMotorTrigger | What events, if any, trigger their seizures? | 1 - Illness/infection without fever; 2 - Illness/infection with fever; 3 - Co-medication/drug interaction; 4 - Tiredness/ fatigue; 5 - Emotions or overstimulation, e.g. stress, anxiety, or excitement; 6 - Hot weather, overheating or dehydration; 7 – Hormonal; 8 – Other; 9 - Unknown |
6.1.46 | ClusterMotorTriggerOTH | Please specify | |
6.1.47 | ClusterMotorMedication | Ever been medicated for Cluster motor seizures? | Yes – please report in the medications and interventions module, No |
6.1.48 | ClusterMotorHospitalisation | Ever been hospitalised for Cluster motor seizures? | Yes – please report in the medical history and hospitalisations module, No – |
6.1.49 | ClusterMotorComment | Please comment on any other details about their Cluster motor seizures (eg significant seizure events/ changes) | |
6.1.50 | ANGAbsenceTypeYNU | Absence seizures? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 - Unknown |
6.1.51 | ANGAbsenceTypeOnset | Age of onset | |
6.1.52 | ANGAbsenceTypeStatus | Is your child/ adult currently free from Absence seizures? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
6.1.53 | ANGAbsenceTypeRecur | Has your child/ adult experienced freedom or recurrences of Absence seizures in the past? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
6.1.54 | ANGAbsenceTypeDescribe | Please describe | |
6.1.55 | SeizureFrequencyAAbsence | How often do/did seizures occur? | 1- Daily; 2- Weekly; 3– Monthly; 4 – Yearly; 5 – Rarely (less than once a year) |
6.1.56 | SeizureFrequencyBAbsence | How many seizures do they typically have in this time frame? | 1– Less than 5; 2 – 5-10; 3 – 10-20; 4– 20-50; 5 – More than 50 |
6.1.57 | ANGAbsenceTrigger | What events, if any, trigger their seizures? | 1 - Illness/infection without fever; 2 - Illness/infection with fever; 3 - Co-medication/drug interaction; 4 - Tiredness/ fatigue; 5 - Emotions or overstimulation, e.g. stress, anxiety, or excitement; 6 - Hot weather, overheating or dehydration; 7 – Hormonal; 8 – Other; 9 - Unknown |
6.1.58 | ANGAbsenceTriggerOTH | Please specify | |
6.1.59 | ANGAbsenceMedication | Ever been medicated for Absence seizures? | Yes – please report in the medications and interventions module, No– |
6.1.60 | ANGAbsenceHospitalisation | Ever been hospitalised for Absence seizures? | Yes – please report in the medical history and hospitalisations module, No – |
6.1.61 | ANGAbsenceComment | Please comment on any other details about their Absence seizures (eg significant seizure events/ changes) | |
6.1.62 | ANGClusterNonMotorType | Cluster non-motor seizures? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 - Unknown |
6.1.63 | ANGClusterNonMotorTypeOnset | Age of onset | |
6.1.64 | ANGClusterNonMotorTypeStatus | Is your child/ adult currently free from Cluster non-motor seizures? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
6.1.65 | ANGClusterNonMotorTypeRecur | Has your child/ adult experienced freedom or recurrences of Cluster non-motor seizures in the past? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
6.1.66 | ANGClusterNonMotorTypeDescribe | Please describe | |
6.1.67 | SeizureFreqAClusterNonMotor | How often do/did seizures occur? | 1- Daily; 2- Weekly; 3– Monthly; 4 – Yearly; 5 – Rarely (less than once a year) |
6.1.68 | SeizureFreqBClusterNonMotor | How many seizures do they typically have in this time frame? | 1– Less than 5; 2 – 5-10; 3 – 10-20; 4– 20-50; 5 – More than 50 |
6.1.69 | ClusterNonMotorTrigger | What events, if any, trigger their seizures? | 1 - Illness/infection without fever; 2 - Illness/infection with fever; 3 - Co-medication/drug interaction; 4 - Tiredness/ fatigue; 5 - Emotions or overstimulation, e.g. stress, anxiety, or excitement; 6 - Hot weather, overheating or dehydration; 7 – Hormonal; 8 – Other; 9 - Unknown |
6.1.70 | ClusterNonMotorTriggerOTH | Please specify | |
6.1.71 | ClusterNonMotorMedication | Ever been medicated for Cluster non-motor seizures? | Yes – please report in the medications and interventions module, No – |
6.1.72 | ClusterNonMotorHospitalisation | Ever been hospitalised for Cluster non-motor seizures? | Yes – please report in the medical history and hospitalisations module, No – |
6.1.73 | ClusterNonMotorComment | Please comment on any other details about their Cluster non-motor seizures (eg significant seizure events/ changes) | |
6.1.74 | ANGSpasmTypeYNU | Epileptic spasms? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 - Unknown |
6.1.75 | ANGSpasmTypeOnset | Age of onset | |
6.1.76 | ANGSpasmTypeStatus | Is your child/ adult currently free from epileptic spasms? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
6.1.77 | ANGSpasmTypeRecur | Has your child/ adult experienced freedom or recurrences of epileptic spasms in the past? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
6.1.78 | ANGSpasmTypeDescribe | Please describe | |
6.1.79 | SeizureFreqASpasm | How often do/did seizures occur? | 1- Daily; 2- Weekly; 3– Monthly; 4 – Yearly; 5 – Rarely (less than once a year) |
6.1.80 | SeizureFreqBSpasm | How many seizures do they typically have in this time frame? | 1– Less than 5; 2 – 5-10; 3 – 10-20; 4– 20-50; 5 – More than 50 |
6.1.81 | SpasmTrigger | What events, if any, trigger their seizures? | 1 - Illness/infection without fever; 2 - Illness/infection with fever; 3 - Co-medication/drug interaction; 4 - Tiredness/ fatigue; 5 - Emotions or overstimulation, e.g. stress, anxiety, or excitement; 6 - Hot weather, overheating or dehydration; 7 – Hormonal; 8 – Other; 9 - Unknown |
6.1.82 | SpasmTriggerOTH | Please specify | |
6.1.83 | SpasmMedication | Ever been medicated for epileptic spasms? | Yes – please report in the medications and interventions module, No – |
6.1.84 | SpasmHospitalisation | Ever been hospitalised for epileptic spasms? | Yes – please report in the medical history and hospitalisations module, No – |
6.1.85 | SpasmComment | Please comment on any other details about their epileptic spasms? (eg significant seizure events/ changes) | |
6.1.86 | ConvulsiveStatusTypeYNU | Convulsive status epilepticus? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 - Unknown |
6.1.87 | ANGConvulsiveStatusTypeFG | Was it focal or generalised? | 1 – Focal; 2 – Generalised; 3 - Unknown |
6.1.88 | ConvulsiveStatusTypeOnset | Age of onset | |
6.1.89 | ANGConvulsiveStatusTypeStatus | Is your child/ adult currently free from Convulsive status epilepticus?? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
6.1.90 | ANGConvulsiveStatusTypeRecur | Has your child/ adult experienced freedom or recurrences of Convulsive status epilepticus in the past? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
6.1.91 | ConvulsiveStatusTypeDescribe | Please describe | |
6.1.92 | SeizureFreqAConvulsiveStatus | How often do/did seizures occur? | 1- Daily; 2- Weekly; 3– Monthly; 4 – Yearly; 5 – Rarely (less than once a year) |
6.1.93 | SeizureFreqBConvulsiveStatus | How many seizures do they typically have in this time frame? | 1– Less than 5; 2 – 5-10; 3 – 10-20; 4– 20-50; 5 – More than 50 |
6.1.94 | ConvulsiveTrigger | What events, if any, trigger their seizures? | 1 - Illness/infection without fever; 2 - Illness/infection with fever; 3 - Co-medication/drug interaction; 4 - Tiredness/ fatigue; 5 - Emotions or overstimulation, e.g. stress, anxiety, or excitement; 6 - Hot weather, overheating or dehydration; 7 – Hormonal; 8 – Other; 9 - Unknown |
6.1.95 | ConvulsiveTriggerOTH | Please specify | |
6.1.96 | ConvulsiveMedication | Ever been medicated for Convulsive status epilepticus?? | Yes – please report in the medical history and hospitalisations module, No – |
6.1.97 | ConvulsiveHospitalisation | Ever been hospitalised for Convulsive status epilepticus?? | Yes – please report in the medical history and hospitalisations module, No – |
6.1.98 | ConvulsiveComment | Please comment on any other details about their Convulsive status epilepticus? (eg significant seizure events/ changes) | |
6.1.99 | NonConvulsiveStatusTypeYNU | Non-convulsive status epilepticus? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 - Unknown |
6.1.100 | NonConvulsiveStatusTypeOnset | Age of onset | |
6.1.101 | ANGNonConvulsiveStatTypeStatus | Is your child/ adult currently free from Non-convulsive status epilepticus? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
6.1.102 | NonConvulsiveStatusTypeRecur | Has your child/ adult experienced freedom or recurrences of Non-convulsive status epilepticus in the past? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
6.1.103 | NonConvulsiveStatusDescribe | Please describe | |
6.1.104 | SeizureFreqANonConvulsiveStat | How often do/did seizures occur? | 1- Daily; 2- Weekly; 3– Monthly; 4 – Yearly; 5 – Rarely (less than once a year) |
6.1.105 | SeizureFreqBNonConvulsiveStat | How many seizures do they typically have in this time frame? | 1– Less than 5; 2 – 5-10; 3 – 10-20; 4– 20-50; 5 – More than 50 |
6.1.106 | NonConvulsiveTrigger | What events, if any, trigger their seizures? | 1 - Illness/infection without fever; 2 - Illness/infection with fever; 3 - Co-medication/drug interaction; 4 - Tiredness/ fatigue; 5 - Emotions or overstimulation, e.g. stress, anxiety, or excitement; 6 - Hot weather, overheating or dehydration; 7 – Hormonal; 8 – Other; 9 - Unknown |
6.1.107 | NonConvulsiveTriggerOTH | Please specify | |
6.1.108 | NonConvulsiveStatMedication | Ever been medicated for Non-convulsive status epilepticus? | Yes – please report in the medical history and hospitalisations module, No – |
6.1.109 | NonConvulsiveStatHosp | Ever been hospitalised for Non-convulsive status epilepticus? | Yes – please report in the medical history and hospitalisations module, No – |
6.1.110 | NonConvulsiveStatComment | Please comment on any other details about their Non-convulsive status epilepticus (eg significant seizure events/ changes) | |
6.1.111 | UnknownTypeYNU | Unknown/ unaware? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 - Unknown |
6.1.112 | ANGUnknownTypeOnset | Age of onset | |
6.1.113 | ANGUnknownTypeStatus | Is your child/ adult currently free from unknown/ unaware? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
6.1.114 | ANGUnknownTypeRecur | Has your child/ adult experienced freedom or recurrences of unknown/ unaware in the past? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
6.1.115 | ANGUnknownTypeDescribe | Please describe | |
6.1.116 | ANGSeizureFrequencyAUnknown | How often do/did seizures occur? | 1- Daily; 2- Weekly; 3– Monthly; 4 – Yearly; 5 – Rarely (less than once a year) |
6.1.117 | ANGSeizureFrequencyBUnknown | How many seizures do they typically have in this time frame? | 1– Less than 5; 2 – 5-10; 3 – 10-20; 4– 20-50; 5 – More than 50 |
6.1.118 | ANGUnknownTrigger | What events, if any, trigger their seizures? | 1 - Illness/infection without fever; 2 - Illness/infection with fever; 3 - Co-medication/drug interaction; 4 - Tiredness/ fatigue; 5 - Emotions or overstimulation, e.g. stress, anxiety, or excitement; 6 - Hot weather, overheating or dehydration; 7 – Hormonal; 8 – Other; 9 - Unknown |
6.1.119 | ANGUnknownTriggerOTH | Please specify | |
6.1.120 | ANGUnknownMedication | Ever been medicated for unknown/ unaware? | Yes – please report in the medical history and hospitalisations module, No – |
6.1.121 | ANGUnknownHospitalisation | Ever been hospitalised for unknown/ unawaye seizures? | Yes – please report in the medical history and hospitalisations module, No – |
6.1.122 | ANGUnknownComment | Please comment on any other details about their unknown/ unaware seizures (eg significant seizure events/ changes) |
7.1a Medications/ Interventions and Therapy Use (MedIntScreen)
No | Code | Question | Response |
7.1.1a | curmedscreen | Is your child/ adult currently taking any medications/ interventions? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 – Unknown |
7.1.2a | stopmedscreen | Has your child/ adult tried any medications/ interventions that they are no longer using? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 – Unknown |
7.1.3a | therapyscreen | Has your child/ adult ever taken part in any therapies? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 – Unknown |
7.2 Current medications/interventions (ANGMedIntCurrent)
No | Code | Question | Response |
7.2.1 | ANGMedIntWhat | Please tell us what medications/interventions your child/ adult is currently taking | 1 – Cabamazepine 2 – Clobazam 3 – Clonozepam 4 – Ethosuximide 5 – Folate 6 – Lamotrigine 7 – Levetiracetam 8 – Oxcarbazepine 9 – Phenobarbintone aspen 10 – Sodium valproate 11 – Topiramate 12 – Aripiprazole 13 – Methylphenidate 14 – Risperidone 15– Efalex 16 – Evening primrose oil 17 – Amitriptyline 18 – Diazepam 19– Melatonin 20 – Midazolam 21 – Nitrazepam 22 – Phenobarbital 23 – Promethazine 24 – Trimeprazine tartrate 25 – Lactulose 26 – Ommeprazole 27 – Ondansetron 28 – Macrogol 29 - Probiotic 30 - Psyllium 31 – Baclofen 32 – Benzatropine 33 – Calcium 34 – Celepram 35 – Cephalexin 36 – Clonidine 37 – Cyproheptadine 38 – Fluticasone 39 – Hexamine hipp 40 – Minocycline 41 – Mometasone 42 – Montelukast 43 – Netformin 44 – Oxybutynin 45 – Pantoprazole 46 - Miralax /polyethylene glycol 47 – Lactulose 48 – Dulcolax/Bisacodyl 49 – Benefiber/Metamucil or other fiber laxative 50 – Cannabis or cannabinoid 51 – Ketogenic diet 52 – LGIT diet 53 – Other diet 54 – Vagus Nerve Stimulation(VNS) |
7.2.2 | ANGMedIntNameOTH | If medication is not listed above, please state | |
7.2.3 | ANGMedIntReason | What is the reason for using this drug/intervention? Check all that apply | 1 – Anti epileptic; 2 – Behavioural; 3 – Sleep; 4 – Gastrointestinal; 5 – Complimentary; 6 – Diet; 7 – Vagus nerve stimulation; 8 - Other |
7.2.3a | ANGMedIntReasonOth | Other reason | |
7.2.4a | ANGMedIntAgeStarted2 | What was your child/ adult's age when medication/ intervention was started? | |
7.2.7a | AngMedIntOften2 | How often is this medication given? | 1 - Once a day; 2 - Twice a day; 3 - 3 times a day; 4 - 4 times a day; 5 - 5 times a day; 6 - 6 times a day; 7 - As needed; 8 - Other |
7.2.7ai | ANGDoseSame | Is the same dose given each time? | Yes/ No |
7.2.6a | ANGDose2 | Dosage Please indicate units of dosage as a number | |
7.2.6b | ANGDoseUnit | Dosage unit. Please indicate the dosage unit | 1 - Grams ; 2 – Milligrams ; 3 - Micrograms ; 4 - Grams per millilitre ; 5 - Milligrams per millilitre ; 6 - Micrograms per millilitre ; 7 - Millilitres ; 8 - Other |
7.2.6c | ANGDoseUnitOth | Please specify If other, please specify | |
7.2.8a | ANGMedIntStrength2 | Strength or concentration | |
7.2.8b | ANGStrengthUnit | Strength Unit Please indicate the strength/ concentration unit | 1 - Grams ; 2 – Milligrams ; 3 - Micrograms ; 4 - Grams per millilitre ; 5 - Milligrams per millilitre ; 6 - Micrograms per millilitre ; 7 - Millilitres ; 8 - Other |
7.2.8c | ANGStrengthUnitOth | Please specify If other, please specify | |
7.2.7b | AngMedIntOftenT1 | Medication time 1 Please indicate what time this medication/ intervention is given | |
7.2.6a | ANGDose2T1 | Time 1 dosage Please indicate units of dosage as a number | |
7.2.6b | ANGDoseUnitT1 | Time 1 dosage unit. Please indicate the dosage unit | 1 – Grams ; 2 – Milligrams ; 3 – Micrograms ; 4 – Grams per millilitre ; 5 - Milligrams per millilitre ; 6 - Micrograms per millilitre ; 7 - Millilitres ; 8 – Other |
7.2.6c | ANGDoseUnitOthT1 | Please specify If other, please specify | |
7.2.7c | AngMedIntOftenT2 | Medication time 2 Please indicate what time this medication/ intervention is given | |
7.2.6a | ANGDose2T2 | Time 2 dosage Please indicate units of dosage as a number | |
7.2.6b | ANGDoseUnitT2 | Time 2 dosage unit. Please indicate the dosage unit | 1 – Grams ; 2 – Milligrams ; 3 – Micrograms ; 4 – Grams per millilitre ; 5 - Milligrams per millilitre ; 6 - Micrograms per millilitre ; 7 - Millilitres ; 8 – Other |
7.2.6c | ANGDoseUnitOthT2 | Please specify If other, please specify | |
7.2.7d | AngMedIntOftenT3 | Medication time 3 Please indicate what time this medication/ intervention is given | |
7.2.6a | ANGDose2T3 | Time 3 dosage Please indicate units of dosage as a number | |
7.2.6b | ANGDoseUnitT3 | Time 3 dosage unit. Please indicate the dosage unit | 1 - Grams ; 2 – Milligrams ; 3 - Micrograms ; 4 - Grams per millilitre ; 5 - Milligrams per millilitre ; 6 - Micrograms per millilitre ; 7 - Millilitres ; 8 - Other |
7.2.6c | ANGDoseUnitOthT3 | Please specify If other, please specify | |
7.2.7e | AngMedIntOftenT4 | Medication time 4 Please indicate what time this medication/ intervention is given | |
7.2.6a | ANGDose2T4 | Time 4 dosage Please indicate units of dosage as a number | |
7.2.6b | ANGDoseUnitT4 | Time 4 dosage unit. Please indicate the dosage unit | 1 - Grams ; 2 – Milligrams ; 3 - Micrograms ; 4 - Grams per millilitre ; 5 - Milligrams per millilitre ; 6 - Micrograms per millilitre ; 7 - Millilitres ; 8 - Other |
7.2.6c | ANGDoseUnitOthT4 | Please specify If other, please specify | |
7.2.7f | AngMedIntOftenT5 | Medication time 5 Please indicate what time this medication/ intervention is given | |
7.2.6a | ANGDose2T5 | Time 5 dosage Please indicate units of dosage as a number | |
7.2.6b | ANGDoseUnitT5 | Time 5 dosage unit. Please indicate the dosage unit | 1 - Grams ; 2 – Milligrams ; 3 - Micrograms ; 4 - Grams per millilitre ; 5 - Milligrams per millilitre ; 6 - Micrograms per millilitre ; 7 - Millilitres ; 8 - Other |
7.2.6c | ANGDoseUnitOthT5 | Please specify If other, please specify | |
7.2.7g | AngMedIntOftenT6 | Medication time 6 Please indicate what time this medication/ intervention is given | |
7.2.6a | ANGDose2T6 | Time 6 dosage Please indicate units of dosage as a number | |
7.2.6b | ANGDoseUnitT6 | Time 6 dosage unit. Please indicate the dosage unit | 1 - Grams ; 2 – Milligrams ; 3 - Micrograms ; 4 - Grams per millilitre ; 5 - Milligrams per millilitre ; 6 - Micrograms per millilitre ; 7 - Millilitres ; 8 - Other |
7.2.6c | ANGDoseUnitOthT6 | Please specify If other, please specify | |
7.2.7h | AngMedIntOftenTOth | Medication time other Please indicate what time this medication/ intervention is given | |
7.2.6a | ANGDose2TOth | Other time dosage Please indicate units of dosage as a number | |
7.2.6b | ANGDoseUnitTOth | Other time dosage unit. Please indicate the dosage unit | 1 - Grams ; 2 – Milligrams ; 3 - Micrograms ; 4 - Grams per millilitre ; 5 - Milligrams per millilitre ; 6 - Micrograms per millilitre ; 7 - Millilitres ; 8 - Other |
7.2.6c | ANGDoseUnitOthTOth | Please specify If other, please specify | |
7.2.9 | ANGMedIntOther | Comments |
7.3 Medications/Interventions no longer used
No | Code | Question | Response |
7.3.1 | ANGMedIntWhatStop | What medications has your child/ adult tried and is no longer using? | See 7.2.1 |
7.3.2 | ANGMedIntNameOTH | If medication is not listed above, please state | |
7.3.3 | ANGMEDIntReasonPast | What was the reason for using this drug/intervention? | 1 – Anti epileptic; 2 – Behavioural; 3 – Sleep; 4 – Gastrointestinal; 5 – Complimentary; 6 – Diet; 7 – Vagus nerve stimulation; 8 - Other |
7.3.3a | ANGMEDIntReasonPastOth | ||
7.3.4 | ANGMedIntReasonStop | What was the reason for stopping this drug/intervention? | 1 – Exacerbation/worsening of seizures; 2 – intolerable side effects ; 3 – inadequate seizure control; 4 – transferring to a new medication; 5 – No longer required; 6 – Other |
7.3.4a | ANGMedIntReasonStopOth | Please describe | |
7.3.5a | ANGMedIntAgeStopped2 | What was their age when the medication/intervention was stopped? | |
7.3.7 | ANGMedIntOther | Comments |
7.5 Therapy Services (ANGTherapySection2)
No | Code | Question | Response |
7.5.1a | ANGTherapy2 | Please tell us which therapy services your child/adult with Angelman syndrome has participated in (either current or no longer undertaken) | 1 – Physical therapy/ exercise; 2 – Speech and language therapy; 3 - Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC); 4 – Occupational therapy; 5 – Physiotherapy; 6 - Hippotherapy; 7 – Hydro/aquatic therapy; 8 – Music therapy; 9 – Art therapy; 10 – Pet therapy; 11 – Behavioural therapy; 12 – Adaptive sports; 13 – Play therapy; 14 – Chiropractic; 15 – Diet/ dietetic; 16 – Massage; 17 - Other |
7.5.2 | ANGTherapyOTH | If the service is not listed above, please state | |
7.5.3a | ANGShortCourse | Have you participated in a short or intensive course about delivering therapies to your child/ adult? | 1 – Physical therapy/ exercise; 2 – Speech and language therapy; 3 - Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC); 4 – Occupational therapy; 5 – Physiotherapy; 6 - Hippotherapy; 7 – Hydro/aquatic therapy; 8 – Music therapy; 9 – Art therapy; 10 – Pet therapy; 11 – Behavioural therapy; 12 – Adaptive sports; 13 – Play therapy; 14 – Chiropractic; 15 – Diet/ dietetic; 16 – Massage; 17 - Other |
7.5.4a | ANGShortCourseOth | Please specify | |
7.5.5a | ANGCurrentPhysical | Is your child/ adult currently participating in physical therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.6 | ANGStartStopPhysical | Has your child/ adult started and stopped physical therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.7 | ANGStartStopPhyDes | Please describe | |
7.5.8 | ANGPhysicalAgeStart | At what age did they start physical therapy? | |
7.5.9 | ANGPhysicalAgeStop | At what age did they stop physical therapy? | |
7.5.10 | ANGPhysicalFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | 1 – Daily; 2 - 3-5 times per week; 3 - Twice a week; 4 - Once a week; 5 - Twice a month (fortnightly); 6 - Once a month; 7 - Once every 2-3 months (4-6 times per year); 8 - Once every 4-6 months (2-3 times per year); 9 - Once a year; 10 - Less than once a year or one off session; 11 - Other |
7.5.11 | ANGPhysicalFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.12 | ANGPhysicalFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.13 | ANGPhysicalFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.14 | ANGPhysicalDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.15 | ANGPhysicalDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.16 | ANGCurrentSLP | Is your child/ adult currently participating in speech and language therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 - No |
7.5.17 | ANGStartStopSLP | Has your child/ adult started and stopped speech and language therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.18 | ANGStartStopSLPDes | Please describe | |
7.5.19 | ANGSLPAgeStart | At what age did they start speech and language therapy? | |
7.5.20 | ANGSLPAgeStop | At what age did they stop speech and language therapy? | |
7.5.21 | ANGSLPFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.22 | ANGSLPFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.23 | ANGSLPFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.24 | ANGSLPFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.25 | ANGSLPDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.26 | ANGSLPDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.27 | ANGCurrentAAC | Is your child/ adult currently participating in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 - No |
7.5.28 | ANGStartStopAAC | Has your child/ adult started and stopped AAC therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.29 | ANGStartStopAACDes | Please describe | |
7.5.30 | ANGAACAgeStart | At what age did they start Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) therapy? | |
7.5.31 | ANGAACAgeStop | At what age did they stop AAC therapy? | |
7.5.32 | ANGAACFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.33 | ANGAACFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.34 | ANGAACFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.35 | ANGAACFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.36 | ANGAACDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.37 | ANGAACDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.38 | ANGCurrentOT | Is your child/ adult currently participating in occupational therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 - No |
7.5.39 | ANGStartStopOT | Has your child/ adult started and stopped occupational therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.40 | ANGStartStopOTDes | Please describe | |
7.5.41 | ANGOTAgeStart | At what age did they start occupational therapy? | |
7.5.42 | ANGOTAgeStop | At what age did they stop occupational therapy? | |
7.5.43 | ANGOTFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.44 | ANGOTFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.45 | ANGOTFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.46 | ANGOTFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.47 | ANGOTDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.48 | ANGOTDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.49 | ANGCurrentPhysio | Is your child/ adult currently participating in physiotherapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 - No |
7.5.50 | ANGStartStopPhysio | Has your child/ adult started and stopped physiotherapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.51 | ANGStartStopPhysioDes | Please describe | |
7.5.52 | ANGPhysioAgeStart | At what age did they start physiotherapy? | |
7.5.53 | ANGPhysioAgeStop | At what age did they stop physiotherapy? | |
7.5.54 | ANGPhysioFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.55 | ANGPhysioFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.56 | ANGPhysioFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.57 | ANGPhysioFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.58 | ANGPhysioDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.59 | ANGPhysioDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.60 | ANGCurrentHippotherapy | Is your child/ adult currently participating in hippotherapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 - No |
7.5.61 | ANGStartStopHippo | Has your child/ adult started and stopped hippotherapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.62 | ANGStartStopHippoDes | Please describe | |
7.5.63 | ANGHippotherapyAgeStart | At what age did they start hippotherapy? | |
7.5.64 | ANGHippotherapyAgeStop | At what age did they stop hippotherapy? | |
7.5.65 | ANGHippotherapyFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.66 | ANGHippotherapyFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.67 | ANGHippotherapyFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.68 | ANGHippotherapyFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.69 | ANGHippotherapyDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.70 | ANGHippotherapyDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.71 | ANGCurrentHydroAquatic | Is your child/ adult currently participating in hydro/aquatic therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 - No |
7.5.72 | ANGStartStopHydro | Has your child/ adult started and stopped hydro/aquatic therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.73 | ANGStartStopHydroDes | Please describe | |
7.5.74 | ANGHydroAquaticAgeStart | At what age did they start hydro/aquatic therapy? | |
7.5.75 | ANGHydroAquaticAgeStop | At what age did they stop hydro/aquatic therapy? | |
7.5.76 | ANGHydroAquaticFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.77 | ANGHydroAquaticFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.78 | ANGHydroAquaticFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.79 | ANGHydroAquaticFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.80 | ANGHydroAquaticDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.81 | ANGHydroAquaticDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.82 | ANGCurrentMusical | Is your child/ adult currently participating in music therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 - No |
7.5.83 | ANGStartStopMusical | Has your child/ adult started and stopped music therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.84 | ANGStartStopMusDes | Please describe | |
7.5.85 | ANGMusicalAgeStart | At what age did they start music therapy? | |
7.5.86 | ANGMusicalAgeStop | At what age did they stop music therapy? | |
7.5.87 | ANGMusicalFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.88 | ANGMusicalFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.89 | ANGMusicalFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.90 | ANGMusicalFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.91 | ANGMusicalDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.92 | ANGMusicalDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.93 | ANGCurrentArt | Is your child/ adult currently participating in art therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 - No |
7.5.94 | ANGStartStopArt | Has your child/ adult started and stopped art therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.95 | ANGStartStopArtDes | Please describe | |
7.5.96 | ANGArtAgeStart | At what age did they start art therapy? | |
7.5.97 | ANGArtAgeStop | At what age did they stop art therapy? | |
7.5.98 | ANGArtFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.99 | ANGArtFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.100 | ANGArtFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.101 | ANGArtFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.102 | ANGArtDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.103 | ANGArtDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.104 | ANGCurrentPet | Is your child/ adult currently participating in pet therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 - No |
7.5.105 | ANGStartStopPet | Has your child/ adult started and stopped pet therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.106 | ANGStartStopPetDes | Please describe | |
7.5.107 | ANGPetAgeStart | At what age did they start pet therapy? | |
7.5.108 | ANGPetAgeStop | At what age did they stop pet therapy? | |
7.5.109 | ANGPetFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.110 | ANGPetFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.111 | ANGPetFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.112 | ANGPetFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.113 | ANGPetDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.114 | ANGPetDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.115 | ANGCurrentBehavioural | Is your child/ adult currently participating in behavioural therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 - No |
7.5.116 | ANGStartStopBehav | Has your child/ adult started and stopped behavioural therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.117 | ANGStartStopBehDes | Please describe | |
7.5.118 | ANGBehaviouralAgeStart | At what age did they start behavioural therapy? | |
7.5.119 | ANGBehaviouralAgeStop | At what age did they stop behavioural therapy? | |
7.5.120 | ANGBehaviouralFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.121 | ANGBehaviouralFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.122 | ANGBehaviouralFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.123 | ANGBehaviouralFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.124 | ANGBehaviouralDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.125 | ANGBehaviouralDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.126 | ANGCurrentAdaptiveSport | Is your child/ adult currently participating in adaptive sports? | 1 – Yes; 2 - No |
7.5.127 | ANGStartStopSport | Has your child/ adult started and stopped adaptive sports? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.128 | ANGStartStopSportDes | Please describe | |
7.5.129 | ANGAdaptiveSportAgeStart | At what age did they start adaptive sports? | |
7.5.130 | ANGAdaptiveSportAgeStop | At what age did they stop adaptive sports? | |
7.5.131 | ANGAdaptiveSportFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.132 | ANGAdaptiveSportFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.133 | ANGAdaptiveSportFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.134 | ANGAdaptiveSportFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.135 | ANGAdaptiveSportDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.136 | ANGAdaptiveSportDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.137 | ANGCurrentPlay | Is your child/ adult currently participating in play therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 - No |
7.5.138 | ANGStartStopPlay | Has your child/ adult started and stopped play therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.139 | ANGStartStopPlayDes | Please describe | |
7.5.140 | ANGPlayAgeStart | At what age did they start play therapy? | |
7.5.141 | ANGPlayAgeStop | At what age did they stop play therapy? | |
7.5.142 | ANGPlayFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.143 | ANGPlayFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.144 | ANGPlayFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.145 | ANGPlayFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.146 | ANGPlayDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.147 | ANGPlayDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.148 | ANGCurrentChiro | Is your child/ adult currently participating in chiropractic treatment? | 1 – Yes; 2 - No |
7.5.149 | ANGStartStopChiro | Has your child/ adult started and stopped chiropractic treatment? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.150 | ANGStartStopChiroDes | Please describe | |
7.5.151 | ANGChiroAgeStart | At what age did they start chiropractic treatment? | |
7.5.152 | ANGChiroAgeStop | At what age did they stop chiropractic treatment? | |
7.5.153 | ANGChiroFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.154 | ANGChiroFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.155 | ANGChiroFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.156 | ANGChiroFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.157 | ANGChiroDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.158 | ANGChiroDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.159 | ANGCurrentDiet | Is your child/ adult currently participating in treatment for their diet? | 1 – Yes; 2 - No |
7.5.160 | ANGStartStopDiet | Has your child/ adult started and stopped treatment for their diet? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.161 | ANGStartStopDietDes | Please describe | |
7.5.162 | ANGDietAgeStart | At what age did they start treatment for their diet? | |
7.5.163 | ANGDietAgeStop | At what age did they stop treatment for their diet? | |
7.5.164 | ANGDietFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.165 | ANGDietFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.166 | ANGDietFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.167 | ANGDietFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.168 | ANGDietDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.169 | ANGDietDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.170 | ANGCurrentMassage | Is your child/ adult currently participating in massage therapies? | 1 – Yes; 2 - No |
7.5.171 | ANGMassageAgeStart | At what age did they start massage therapies? | |
7.5.172 | ANGStartStopMassage | Has your child/ adult started and stopped massage therapies? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.173 | ANGStartStopMasDes | Please describe | |
7.5.174 | ANGMassageAgeStop | At what age did they stop massage therapies? | |
7.5.175 | ANGMassageFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.176 | ANGMassageFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.177 | ANGMassageFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.178 | ANGMassageFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.179 | ANGMassageDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.180 | ANGMassageDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.181 | ANGCurrentOther | Is your child/ adult currently participating in other therapies? | 1 – Yes; 2 - No |
7.5.182 | ANGOtherAgeStart | At what age did they start other therapies? | |
7.5.183 | ANGStartStopOther | Has your child/ adult started and stopped other therapies? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.184 | ANGStartStopOthDes | Please describe | |
7.5.185 | ANGOtherAgeStop | At what age did they stop other therapies? | |
7.5.186 | ANGOtherFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.187 | ANGOtherFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.188 | ANGOtherFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.189 | ANGOtherFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.190 | ANGOtherDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.191 | ANGOtherDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.3 | ANGTherapyAGE | What was the individual’s age (in years) when the service was started? (years) | |
7.5.4 | ANGTherapyAGEMonths | Age in months (if applicable) (months) | |
7.5.5 | ANGTherapyFreq | How frequently does the individual attend this service? (e.g. Once a week) | |
7.5.6 | ANGTherapyDur | How long is a typical session? (e.g. one hour) | |
7.5.7 | ANGMedIntOther | Comments |
No | Code | Question | Response |
8.1.1a | ANGBEHDEVGOODSLEEP2 | On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your child/adult’s sleep | |
8.1.2a | ANGBEHDEVSLEEPNIGHTYEARS2 | At what age did they first sleep through the night? | |
8.1.2b | ANGSLEEPNIGHTUNKNOWN | Or, don’t know | |
8.1.4 | ANGRegularSleepingPattern | Does (or did) your child/ adult have a regular sleeping pattern? | 1 – Yes, all the time; 2 – Yes, most of the time; 3 – Yes, some of the time; 4 – Yes, rarely; 5 – No, never; 6 - Unknown |
8.1.5 | ANGRegularSleepingPatternOTH | Please describe | |
8.1.6 | ANGBEHDEVTROUBLESLEEP | Do they have difficulty going to sleep on his/her own? | 1 – Yes, all the time; 2 – Yes, most of the time; 3 – Yes, some of the time; 4 – Yes, rarely; 5 – No, never; 6 - Unknown |
8.1.7 | ANGWAKENIGHT | Do they wake during the night? | 1 – Yes, can settle back to sleep independently; 2 – Yes, requires help to resettle; 3 – Yes, remains awake and unsettled; 4 – No; 5 - Unknown |
8.1.8 | ANGBEHDEVWAKEEARLY | Do they wake up early? | 1 – Yes, all the time; 2 – Yes, most of the time; 3 – Yes, some of the time; 4 – Yes, rarely; 5 – No, never; 6 - Unknown |
8.1.9 | ANGBEHDEVPARENTNEEDED | Is a parent/caregiver needed to be there when they go to sleep? | 1 – Yes, all the time; 2 – Yes, most of the time; 3 – Yes, some of the time; 4 – Yes, rarely; 5 – No, never; 6 - Unknown |
8.1.10 | ANGWAKENIGHT2 | Do they experience nocturnal waking (waking during the night)? | 1 – Yes, all the time; 2 – Yes, most of the time; 3 – Yes, some of the time; 4 – Yes, rarely; 5 – No, never; 6 - Unknown |
8.1.11 | ANGCOSLEEP | Does the individual require an adult to co sleep to get to sleep? | 1 – Yes, all the time; 2 – Yes, most of the time; 3 – Yes, some of the time; 4 – Yes, rarely; 5 – No, never; 6 - Unknown |
8.1.12 | ANGMODBED | Have you had a modified or special needs bed for sleeping? | 1 – Yes, currently have; 2 – Yes, previously had; 3 - No |
8.2. Sleep Diary (ANGBEHDEVSLEEPDIARY) Repeated 7 times
No | Code | Question | Response |
8.2.1 | ANGBEHDEVSLEEPDAY | Day of the week | 1 – Monday; 2 – Tuesday; 3 – Wednesday; 4 – Thursday; 5 – Friday; 6 – Saturday; 7 - Sunday |
8.2.2a | ANGBEHDEVBEDTIME2 | Time to bed | |
8.2.2 | ANGBEHDEVBEDTIME | Time to bed | |
8.2.3a | ANGBEHDEVSLEEPTIME2 | Time to sleep | |
8.2.3 | ANGBEHDEVSLEEPTIME | Time to sleep | |
8.2.4 | ANGBEHDEVTIMESWOKE | Number of times they woke | |
8.2.5 | ANGBEHDEVLONGESTTIME | Longest time awake during the night (in minutes) e.g 10 mins | |
8.2.6a | ANGBEHDEVWAKETIME2 | Wake up time | |
8.2.6 | ANGBEHDEVWAKETIME | Wake up time | |
8.2.7 | ANGBEHDEVNAPNO | Daytime naps number | |
8.2.8 | ANGBEHDEVNAPDUR | Duration of daytime naps (minutes) |
The Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children (ANGSleepDisturbance)
No | Code | Question | Response |
9.1.1 | ANGSleepDisturbance1 | How many hours of sleep does your child have per night? | 1 – 9-11 hours; 2 – 8-9 hours; 3 – 7-8 hours; 4 – 5-7 hours; 5 – Less than 5 hours |
9.1.2 | ANGSleepDisturbance2 | How long after going to bed does your child usually fall asleep? | 1 – Less than 15 minutes 2 – 15-30 minutes 3 – 30-45 minutes 4 – 45-60 minutes 5 – More than 60 minutes |
9.1.3 | ANGSleepDisturbance3 | Your child does not like going to bed | 1 – Never 2 – Occasionally 3 – Sometimes 4 – Often 5 – Always 6 – Don’t know |
9.1.4 | ANGSleepDisturbance4 | Your child has difficulty in getting to sleep at night | As above |
9.1.5 | ANGSleepDisturbance5 | Your child feels anxious or afraid when falling asleep | As above |
9.1.6 | ANGSleepDisturbance6 | Your child startles or jerks parts of the body while falling asleep | As above |
9.1.7 | ANGSleepDisturbance7 | Your child shows repetitive actions such as rocking or head banging while falling asleep | As above |
9.1.8 | ANGSleepDisturbance8 | Your child has very strange dreams while falling asleep | As above |
9.1.9 | ANGSleepDisturbance9 | Your child sweats a lot while falling asleep | As above |
9.1.10 | ANGSleepDisturbance10 | Your child wakes up more than twice per night | As above |
9.1.11 | ANGSleepDisturbance11 | After waking up in the night, your child has trouble falling asleep again | As above |
9.1.12 | ANGSleepDisturbance12 | Your child has twitching or jerking of the legs during sleep or often changes position during the night or kicks the covers off the bed | As above |
9.1.13 | ANGSleepDisturbance13 | Your child has trouble breathing during the night | As above |
9.1.14 | ANGSleepDisturbance14 | Your child gasps for breath or is unable to breathe during sleep | As above |
9.1.15 | ANGSleepDisturbance15 | Your child snores | As above |
9.1.16 | ANGSleepDisturbance16 | Your child sweats a lot during the night | As above |
9.1.17 | ANGSleepDisturbance17 | You have seen your child sleep walking | As above |
9.1.18 | ANGSleepDisturbance18 | You have seen your child verbalising in his/her sleep | As above |
9.1.19 | ANGSleepDisturbance19 | Your child grinds his/her teeth during sleep | As above |
9.1.20 | ANGSleepDisturbance20 | Your child sometimes wakes from sleep screaming or confused so that you cannot seem to get through to him/her, but has no memory of these events the next morning | As above |
9.1.21 | ANGSleepDisturbance21 | Your child has nightmares which he/she can’t remember the next day | As above |
9.1.22 | ANGSleepDisturbance22 | Your child is hard to wake up in the morning | As above |
9.1.23 | ANGSleepDisturbance23 | Your child wakes up in the morning feeling tired | As above |
9.1.24 | ANGSleepDisturbance24 | Your child sometimes feels unable to move when waking up in the morning | As above |
9.1.25 | ANGSleepDisturbance25 | Your child is tired during the day | As above |
9.1.26 | ANGSleepDisturbance26 | Your child falls asleep suddenly in unusual situations | As above |
9.1.27 | ANGSleepDisturbance27 | Disorders of initiating and maintaining sleep Sum of items 1,2,3,4,5,10,11 | Calculated |
9.1.28 | ANGSleepDisturbance28 | Sleep Breathing Disorders Sum of items 13,14,15 | Calculated |
9.1.29 | ANGSleepDisturbance29 | Disorders of arousal Sum of items 17,20,21 | Calculated |
9.1.30 | ANGSleepDisturbance30 | Sleep-Wake Transition Disorders Sum of items 6,7,8,12,18,19 | Calculated |
9.1.31 | ANGSleepDisturbance31 | Disorders of excessive somnolence Sum of items 22,23,24,25,26 | Calculated |
9.1.32 | ANGSleepDisturbance32 | Sleep Hyperhydrosis Sum of items 9,16 | Calculated |
9.1.33 | ANGSleepDisturbance33 | Total score Sum of factor scores | Calculated |
Updates to this module are made as changes are observed, but are also prompted in the 6 month update.
No | Code | Question | Response |
10a.1 | 6MoSeizAge | Current age | |
A.2.3 | 6MoSeizType | What type of seizures have they experienced?(Check all that apply) | 1 - Absence Seizures (“Petit Mal Seizures”), 2 -Myoclonic seizures, 3 - Atonic Seizures (“Drop Attacks”), 4 - Tonic, Clonic and Tonic-Clonic (Formerly called Grand Mal) Seizures 5 - Unknown/unaware of type |
A.2.4 | 6MoSeizStatus | What is the current seizure status? | 1 – Controlled without medication; 2 – Controlled with medication; 3 – Mostly controlled with occasional breakthroughs; 4 – Controlled with diet; 5 – Uncontrolled with medication; 6 – Uncontrolled with medication; 7 - Unknown |
A.2.5 | 6MoSeizBreak | What do you feel is the source of breakthrough seizures? Check all that apply | 1 - Illness/infection without fever; 2 - Illness/infection with fever; 3 - Co-medication/drug interaction; 4 - Tiredness/ fatigue; 5 - Emotions or overstimulation, e.g. stress, anxiety, or excitement; 6 - Hot weather, overheating or dehydration; 7 – Hormonal; 8 – Other; 9 - Unknown |
A.2.6 | 6MoSeizFreqA | How often do seizures occur? | 1- Daily; 2- Weekly; 3– Monthly; 4 – Yearly; 5 – Rarely (less than once a year) |
A.2.7 | 6MoSeizFreqB | How many seizures do they typically have in this time frame? | 1 – Less than 5; 2 – 5-10; 3 – 10-20; 4 – 20-50; 5 – More than 50 |
A.2.8 | 6MoSeizTrigger | What events, if any, trigger their seizures? | 1 - Illness/infection without fever; 2 - Illness/infection with fever; 3 - Co-medication/drug interaction; 4 - Tiredness/ fatigue; 5 - Emotions or overstimulation, e.g. stress, anxiety, or excitement; 6 - Hot weather, overheating or dehydration; 7 – Hormonal; 8 – Other; 9 - Unknown |
A.2.9 | 6MoSeizTrigOth | Please specify | |
A.2.10 | 6MoSeizMed | Was medication given? | Yes – please report in the medications and interventions module, No – |
A.2.11 | 6MoSeizHosp | Was hospitalisation required? | Yes – please report in the medical history and hospitalisations module, No– |
A.2.12 | 6MoSeizMedOn | Was ongoing medication prescribed at this stage? | Yes – please report in the medications and interventions module, No – |
4.4 Details of Hospitalisation/Surgery (ANGHospitalVisit1)
No | Code | Question | Response |
4.4.3a | ANGAgeHospitalVisit1a | Child/ adult's age at admission | |
4.4.5 | ANGHospitalVisit1Reason | Hospitalisation reason (Range/ DefaultWidget; ANGHospReason) | 1 – Seizure; 2 – Feeding problems; 3 – Surgery; 4 – Infection; 5 - Other |
4.4.6 | ANGHospSurgery1 | If surgery, what was the reason? (e.g. Corrective alignment (toe walking, scoliosis), strabismus | |
4.4.7 | ANGHospOther1 | If other, what was the reason? | |
4.4.8 | ANGHospitalVisit1DaysInHospita | Number of days in hospital | |
4.4.10 | ANGHospitalVisit1LevelOfCare2 | Level of care | 1 – Low (medical ward); 2 – Medium (high dependency unit); 3 – High (Intensive care) ; 4 – Emergency department |
Updates to this module are made as changes are made, but are also prompted in the 6 month update.
7.2 Medication/ Intervention Started/ Changed (ANGMedIntCurrent2)
No | Code | Question | Response |
7.2.1 | ANGMedIntWhat2 | Please tell us what medication your child/ adult has started or changed dose? | 1 – Cabamazepine (Tegretol) |
7.2.2 | ANGMedIntNameOTH | If medication is not listed above, please state | |
7.2.3 | ANGMedIntReason | What is the reason for using this drug/intervention? Check all that apply | 1 – Anti epileptic; 2 – Behavioural; 3 – Sleep; 4 – Gastrointestinal; 5 – Complimentary; 6 – Diet; 7 – Vagus nerve stimulation; 8 - Other |
7.2.3a | ANGMedIntReasonOth | Other reason | |
7.2.4a | ANGMedIntAgeStarted2 | What was your child/ adult's age when medication/ intervention was started? | |
7.2.7a | AngMedIntOften2 | How often is this medication given? | 1 - Once a day; 2 - Twice a day; 3 - 3 times a day; 4 - 4 times a day; 5 - 5 times a day; 6 - 6 times a day; 7 - As needed; 8 - Other |
7.2.7ai | ANGDoseSame | Is the same dose given each time? | Yes/ No |
7.2.6a | ANGDose2 | Dosage (as a number) Please indicate units of dosage as a number(e.g. 100, 2.5) | |
7.2.6b | ANGDoseUnit | Dosage unit. Please indicate the dosage unit | 1 - Grams (g); |
7.2.6c | ANGDoseUnitOth | Please specify If other, please specify | |
7.2.7b | AngMedIntOftenT1 | Medication time 1 Please indicate what time this medication/ intervention is given | |
7.2.6a | ANGDose2T1 | Time 1 dosage (as a number) Please indicate units of dosage as a number(e.g. 100, 2.5) | |
7.2.6b | ANGDoseUnitT1 | Time 1 dosage unit. Please indicate the dosage unit | 1 - Grams (g); 2 – Milligrams (mg); 3 - Micrograms (mcg); 4 - Grams per millilitre (g/ml); 5 - Milligrams per millilitre (mg/ml); 6 - Micrograms per millilitre (mcg/ml); 7 - Millilitres (ml); 8 - Other |
7.2.6c | ANGDoseUnitOthT1 | Please specify If other, please specify | |
7.2.7c | AngMedIntOftenT2 | Medication time 2 Please indicate what time this medication/ intervention is given | |
7.2.6a | ANGDose2T2 | Time 2 dosage (as a number) Please indicate units of dosage as a number(e.g. 100, 2.5) | |
7.2.6b | ANGDoseUnitT2 | Time 2 dosage unit. Please indicate the dosage unit | 1 - Grams (g); 2 – Milligrams (mg); 3 - Micrograms (mcg); 4 - Grams per millilitre (g/ml); 5 - Milligrams per millilitre (mg/ml); 6 - Micrograms per millilitre (mcg/ml); 7 - Millilitres (ml); 8 - Other |
7.2.6c | ANGDoseUnitOthT2 | Please specify If other, please specify | |
7.2.7d | AngMedIntOftenT3 | Medication time 3 Please indicate what time this medication/ intervention is given | |
7.2.6a | ANGDose2T3 | Time 3 dosage (as a number) Please indicate units of dosage as a number(e.g. 100, 2.5) | |
7.2.6b | ANGDoseUnitT3 | Time 3 dosage unit. Please indicate the dosage unit | 1 - Grams (g); 2 – Milligrams (mg); 3 - Micrograms (mcg); 4 - Grams per millilitre (g/ml); 5 - Milligrams per millilitre (mg/ml); 6 - Micrograms per millilitre (mcg/ml); 7 - Millilitres (ml); 8 - Other |
7.2.6c | ANGDoseUnitOthT3 | Please specify If other, please specify | |
7.2.7e | AngMedIntOftenT4 | Medication time 4 Please indicate what time this medication/ intervention is given | |
7.2.6a | ANGDose2T4 | Time 4 dosage (as a number) Please indicate units of dosage as a number(e.g. 100, 2.5) | |
7.2.6b | ANGDoseUnitT4 | Time 4 dosage unit. Please indicate the dosage unit | 1 - Grams (g); 2 – Milligrams (mg); 3 - Micrograms (mcg); 4 - Grams per millilitre (g/ml); 5 - Milligrams per millilitre (mg/ml); 6 - Micrograms per millilitre (mcg/ml); 7 - Millilitres (ml); 8 - Other |
7.2.6c | ANGDoseUnitOthT4 | Please specify If other, please specify | |
7.2.7f | AngMedIntOftenT5 | Medication time 5 Please indicate what time this medication/ intervention is given | |
7.2.6a | ANGDose2T5 | Time 5 dosage (as a number) Please indicate units of dosage as a number(e.g. 100, 2.5) | |
7.2.6b | ANGDoseUnitT5 | Time 5 dosage unit. Please indicate the dosage unit | 1 - Grams (g); 2 – Milligrams (mg); 3 - Micrograms (mcg); 4 - Grams per millilitre (g/ml); 5 - Milligrams per millilitre (mg/ml); 6 - Micrograms per millilitre (mcg/ml); 7 - Millilitres (ml); 8 - Other |
7.2.6c | ANGDoseUnitOthT5 | Please specify If other, please specify | |
7.2.7g | AngMedIntOftenT6 | Medication time 6 Please indicate what time this medication/ intervention is given | |
7.2.6a | ANGDose2T6 | Time 6 dosage (as a number) Please indicate units of dosage as a number(e.g. 100, 2.5) | |
7.2.6b | ANGDoseUnitT6 | Time 6 dosage unit. Please indicate the dosage unit | 1 - Grams (g); 2 – Milligrams (mg); 3 - Micrograms (mcg); 4 - Grams per millilitre (g/ml); 5 - Milligrams per millilitre (mg/ml); 6 - Micrograms per millilitre (mcg/ml); 7 - Millilitres (ml); 8 - Other |
7.2.6c | ANGDoseUnitOthT6 | Please specify If other, please specify | |
7.2.7h | AngMedIntOftenTOth | Medication time other Please indicate what time this medication/ intervention is given | |
7.2.6a | ANGDose2TOth | Other time dosage (as a number) Please indicate units of dosage as a number(e.g. 100, 2.5) | |
7.2.6b | ANGDoseUnitTOth | Other time dosage unit. Please indicate the dosage unit | 1 - Grams (g); 2 – Milligrams (mg); 3 - Micrograms (mcg); 4 - Grams per millilitre (g/ml); 5 - Milligrams per millilitre (mg/ml); 6 - Micrograms per millilitre (mcg/ml); 7 - Millilitres (ml); 8 - Other |
7.2.6c | ANGDoseUnitOthTOth | Please specify If other, please specify | |
7.2.9 | ANGMedIntOther | Comments |
Updates to this module are made as changes are made, but are also prompted in the 6 month update.
7.3 Medication/ Intervention Stopped (ANGMedIntCeased2)
No | Code | Question | Response |
7.3.1 | ANGMedIntWhatStop2 | What medication has your child/ adult stopped? | See 7.2.1 |
7.3.2 | ANGMedIntNameOTH | If medication is not listed above, please state | String/ TextArea |
7.3.3 | ANGMEDIntReasonPast | What was the reason for using this drug/intervention? (Check all that apply) | 1 – Anti epileptic; 2 – Behavioural; 3 – Sleep; 4 – Gastrointestinal; 5 – Complimentary; 6 – Diet; 7 – Vagus nerve stimulation; 8 - Other |
7.3.3a | ANGMEDIntReasonPastOth | Other reason | |
7.3.4 | ANGMedIntReasonStop | What was the reason for stopping this drug/intervention? (Check all that apply) | 1 – Exacerbation/worsening of seizures; 2 – intolerable side effects (please describe); 3 – inadequate seizure control; 4 – transferring to a new medication; 5 – No longer required; 5 – Other (Please describe) |
7.3.4a | ANGMedIntReasonStopOth | Please describe | |
7.3.5a | ANGMedIntAgeStopped2 | What was their age when the medication/intervention was stopped? | |
7.3.7 | ANGMedIntOther | Comments |
Updates to this module are made as changes are made, but are also prompted in the 6 month update.
New Therapy (ANGTherapyNewMultisection)
No | Code | Question | Response |
ANGTherapy2Start | Please tell us which therapy services your child/adult has changed or started? | 1 – Physical therapy/ exercise; 2 – Speech and language therapy; 3 - Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC); 4 – Occupational therapy; 5 – Physiotherapy; 6 - Hippotherapy; 7 – Hydro/aquatic therapy; 8 – Music therapy; 9 – Art therapy; 10 – Pet therapy; 11 – Behavioural therapy; 12 – Adaptive sports; 13 – Play therapy; 14 – Chiropractic; 15 – Diet/ dietetic; 16 – Massage; 17 - Other | |
ANGTherapyOTH | If the service is not listed above, please state | ||
ANGTherapyAGEMulti | At what age did they start this therapy? | ||
ANGPhysicalFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | 1 – Daily; 2 - 3-5 times per week; 3 - Twice a week; 4 - Once a week; 5 - Twice a month (fortnightly); 6 - Once a month; 7 - Once every 2-3 months (4-6 times per year); 8 - Once every 4-6 months (2-3 times per year); 9 - Once a year; 10 - Less than once a year or one off session; 11 - Other | |
ANGPhysicalFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | ||
ANGPhysicalDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) | ||
ANGMedIntOther | Comments |
Updates to this module are made as changes are made, but are also prompted in the 6 month update.
Therapy Stopped (ANGTherapyStopMultisection)
No | Code | Question | Response |
ANGTherapy2Stop | Please tell us which therapy service/s your child/adult has stopped? | 1 – Physical therapy/ exercise; 2 – Speech and language therapy; 3 - Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC); 4 – Occupational therapy; 5 – Physiotherapy; 6 - Hippotherapy; 7 – Hydro/aquatic therapy; 8 – Music therapy; 9 – Art therapy; 10 – Pet therapy; 11 – Behavioural therapy; 12 – Adaptive sports; 13 – Play therapy; 14 – Chiropractic; 15 – Diet/ dietetic; 16 – Massage; 17 - Other |
ANGTherapyOTH | If the service is not listed above, please state | ||
ANGNewTherapyAgeStop | At what age did they stop the therapy? | ||
ANGPhysicalFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | 1 – Daily; 2 - 3-5 times per week; 3 - Twice a week; 4 - Once a week; 5 - Twice a month (fortnightly); 6 - Once a month; 7 - Once every 2-3 months (4-6 times per year); 8 - Once every 4-6 months (2-3 times per year); 9 - Once a year; 10 - Less than once a year or one off session; 11 - Other |
ANGPhysicalFreqOthEnded | Please specify | ||
ANGPhysicalDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) | ||
ANGMedIntOther | Comments |
Study participation (ANGAdditionalInformation2)
No | Code | Question | Response |
11.2.1 | ANGOtherStudyWhatNEW | Name of study/ trial | 2 - Natural History Study 2018 onward 3 - Metfolin Trial (Dietary Supplements for the Treatment of Angelman Syndrome) 4 - Levodopa Trial 5 - Minocycline Trial (Minocycline in the Treatment of Angelman Syndrome) - University of South Florida, Tampa, FL (Ed Weeber); 6 - Minocycline Trial (Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Minocycline in Angelman Syndrome A-MANECE) – Puerta de Hierro University Hospital, Spain (Belen Ruiz-Antorán); 7 - Ovid Trial; 8 - MRI trial - Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX (Sarika Peters); 9 - Ovid STARS Trial (A Study in Adults and Adolescents With Angelman Syndrome); 10 - MRI trial at UNC, Chapel Hill, NC (Heather Hazlett); 11 - Gait trial - University of South Florida, Tampa, FL (Joe Grieco); 12 - Lena device trial - University of South Florida, Tampa, FL (Ruth Bahr); 13 - Sleep trial (Kansas); 14 – Study on the Brain Network of Angelman Syndrome, Fudan University, China (Dr Yi Wang); 15 – Disruptive Nutrition FANS/ketone trial; 16 – GeneTX KIK-AS trial; 17 – Roche & Genetech FREESIAS Endpoint Study; 18 – Roche Tangelo Clinical trial; 19 - Other |
11.2.2 | ANGOtherStudyOther2 | Name of study/ trial | |
11.2.3 | ANGOtherStudyPart | Are you still participating in other study/ trial? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.4 | MinocyclineTrialA | Are you still participating in the Minocycline Trial (Minocycline in the Treatment of Angelman Syndrome)? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.5 | MinocyclineTrialB | Are you still participating in the Minocycline Trial (Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Minocycline in Angelman Syndrome A-MANECE)? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.6 | MRITrialA | Are you still participating in the MRI trial at Baylor College of Medicine? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.7 | MRITrialB | Are you still participating in the MRI trial at UNC? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.8 | GaitTrial | Are you still participating in the Gait trial at the University of South Florida? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.9 | LenaTrial | Are you still participating in the Lena device trial at the University of South Florida? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.10 | SleepTrial | Are you still participating in the Sleep trial at Kansas? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.11 | DisNutYN | Are you still participating in the Disruptive Nutrition FANS/ketone trial? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.12 | GeneTXYN | Are you still participating in the GeneTX KIK-AS trial? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.13 | FREESIASYN | Are you still participating in the Roche & Genetech FREESIAS Endpoint Study? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.14 | TangeloYN | Are you still participating in the Roche Tangelo Clinical trial? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.15 | BrainTrial | Are you still participating in the Study on the Brain Network of Angelman Syndrome, Fudan University, China (Dr Yi Wang) | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.17 | NaturalHistSiteNew | Which 2018-current Natural History Study site? | 1 - Rady Children's Hospital, San Diego, CA; 2 - Children's Hospital, Boston; 3 - Other |
11.2.18 | NaturalHistSiteNewOth | If other, please state | |
11.2.19 | NaturalHistYN | Are you still participating in the Natural History Study? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.20 | FolicBetaineSite | Which Folic Acid/Betaine Trial site? | 1 - Baylor-Texas Children's, Houston, TX. (Art Beaudet then Carlos Bacino); 2 - Rady Children's Hospital, San Diego, CA (Lynne Bird); 3 - Children's Hospital, Boston, MA (Wen-Hann Tan); 4 - Greenwood Genetics Center, Greenwood, SC (Steve Skinner); |
11.2.21 | FolicBetaineYN | re you still participating in the Folic Acid/Betaine Trial? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.22 | MetafolinSite | Which Metafolin Trial (Dietary Supplements for the Treatment of Angelman Syndrome) site? | 1 - Baylor-Texas Children's, Houston, TX. (Carlos Bacino); 2 - Rady Children's Hospital, San Diego, CA (Lynne Bird); 3 - Children's Hospital, Boston, MA (Wen-Hann Tan); 4 - Greenwood Genetics Center, Greenwood, SC (Steve Skinner); |
11.2.23 | MetafolinYN | Are you still participating in the Metafolin Trial? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.24 | LevodopaSite | Which Levodopa Trial site? | 1 - Baylor-Texas Children's, Houston, TX. (Carlos Bacino); 2 - Rady Children's Hospital, San Diego, CA (Lynne Bird); 3 - Children's Hospital, Boston, MA (Wen-Hann Tan); 4 - Greenwood Genetics Center, Greenwood, SC (Steve Skinner); 5 - UCSF, San Francisco, CA (Anne Slavotinek); 6 - Children's Hospital, Cincinnati, OH (Logan Wink); 7 - Vanderbilt Children's Hospital, Nashville, TN (Greg Barnes, then Cary Fu); |
11.2.25 | LevodopaYN | Are you still participating in the Levodopa Trial? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.26 | OvidTrialSite | Which Ovid Trial site? | 1 - Baylor-Texas Children's, Houston, TX. (Carlos Bacino); 2 - Rady Children's Hospital, San Diego, CA (Lynne Bird); 3 - Children's Hospital, Boston, MA (Wen-Hann Tan); 4 - Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA (Ron Thibert); 5 - Greenwood Genetics Center, Greenwood, SC (Steve Skinner); 6 - Children's Hospital, Cincinnati, OH (Logan Wink); 7 - Vanderbilt Children's Hospital, Nashville, TN (Kevin Haas); |
11.2.27 | OvidTrialYN | Are you still participating in the Ovid Trial? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.28 | OvidSTARSsite | Which Ovid STARS Trial (A Study in Adults and Adolescents With Angelman Syndrome) Site? Arizona California Florida Georgia | 1 - Arizona 2 - California 3 - Florida 4 - Georgia 5 - Illinois 6 - Massachusetts 7 - Ohio 8 - Pennsylvania 9 - South Carolina 10 - Tennessee 11 - Israel |
11.2.29 | OvidSTARSTrialYN | Are you still participating in the Ovid STARS Trial? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
No | Code | Question | Response |
11.3.1 | ClinicSite | Region where clinic(s) located | 1 - United States of America; 2 - Other North America; 3 - South America; 4 – Europe; 5 – Asia; 6 – Africa; 7 - Oceania |
11.3.2 | ClinicSiteUSA | Which clinic(s) in the United States of America? | 1 - Seattle Children's Hospital (Seattle, Washington US); 2 - UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital (San Francisco, California US); 3 - UCLA CART Center for Autism Research and Treatment (Los Angeles, California US); 4 - Rady Children's Hospital San Diego (San Diego, California US) ; 5 - Intermountain Primary Children's Medical Center (Salt Lake City, Utah US); 6 - Children's Hospital Colorado (Aurora, Colorado US); 7 - Texas Children's Hospital (Houston, Texas US); 8 - Mayo Clinic (Rochester, Minnesota US) ; 9 - Minnesota Epilepsy Group (St. Paul, Minnesota US); 10 - Rush University Medical Center (Chicago, Illinois US); 11 - Lurie Children's Hospital Chicago (Chicago, Illinois US); 12 - Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital (Nashville, Tennessee US); 13 - Geisinger Autism & Developmental Medicine Institute (Lewisburg, Pennsylvania US); 14 - NYU Langone Medical Center (New York, New York US); 15 - Weill Cornell Medical College of New York (New York, New York US); 16 - Massachusetts General Hospital (Boston, Massachusetts US); 17 - UNC Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities (Carrboro, North Carolina US); 18 - Miami Children's Hospital (Miami, Florida US); 19 - Other |
11.3.3 | WhatOtherClinicUSA | Name and location | |
11.3.23 | ClinicSiteNorthAmerica | Which clinic(s) in other North American countries? | 1 - Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (Ottowa, Canada); 2 - BC Children's Hospital; 3 Other |
11.3.24 | WhatOtherClinicNorthAmerica | Name and location | |
11.3.28 | ClinicSiteSouthAmerica | Which clinic(s) in South America? | 1 - Brazil Angelman Clinic; 2 - Argentina Angelman Syndrome Clinic; 3 - Other |
11.3.29 | WhatOtherClinicSouthAmerica | Name and location | |
11.3.33 | ClinicSiteEurope | Which clinic(s) in Europe? | 1 - Erasmus Angelman Syndrome Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; 2 - St Mary’s Hospital, Manchester, UK; 3 - Edmond and Lily Safra Children's Hospital, Sheba Tel Hashomer (Tel Aviv, Israel); 4 - Other |
11.3.34 | WhatOtherClinicEurope | Name and location | |
11.3.38 | ClinicSiteAsia | Which clinic(s) in Asia? | 1 - Edmond and Lily Safra Children's Hospital, Sheba Tel Hashomer (Tel Aviv, Israel); 2 - Other |
11.3.39 | WhatOtherClinicAsia | Name and location | |
11.3.41 | ClinicSiteAfrica | Which clinic(s) in Africa? | 1 - Edmond and Lily Safra Children's Hospital, Sheba Tel Hashomer (Tel Aviv, Israel) ; 2 - Other |
11.3.42 | WhatOtherClinicAfrica | Name and location | |
11.3.45 | ClinicSiteOceania | Which clinic(s) in Oceania? | 1 - Melbourne Royal Children’s Hospital Clinic; 2 - Development Assessment Service, St George Hospital, Kogarah, NSW; 3 - Other |
11.3.46 | WhatOtherClinicOceania | Name and location |
10.1 Pathology and diagnostics (ANGPathology)
No | Code | Question | Response |
10.1.1 | ANGTestType | Test type | 1 – EEG 2 – Blood test 3 – MRI 4 – Cerebral spinal fluid 5 – Microbiome testing 6 - Other |
10.1.2 | ANGOtherTest | Please specify | |
10.1.3 | ANGTestDate | Test date | |
10.1.4 | ANGInvestigation | Reason for investigation | 1 – Illness 2 – Pain 3 – Unusual or abnormal behaviour in the adult/child with AS 4 – Routine 5 - Other |
10.1.5 | ANGResults | Results | 1 – Typical/Normal 2 – Abnormal 3 - Unknown |
10.1.6 | ANGComments | Comments | Participant specifies |
11.1 Clinics and Research Studies (ANGOtherStudy)
No | Code | Question | Response |
11.0.1 | ANGOtherStudyYNU | Has your child/ adult ever been involved in any research studies or clinical trials? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 - Unknown |
11.0.2 | ANGClinicYNU | Has your child/ adult ever attended an Angelman Syndrome clinic? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 - Unknown |
11.2 Study Participation (ANGAdditionalInformation)
No | Code | Question | Response |
11.2.1 | ANGOtherStudyWhat2 | Name of study/ trial | 1 - Natural History Trial 2011-2014 2 - Natural History Study 2018 onward 3 - Metfolin Trial (Dietary Supplements for the Treatment of Angelman Syndrome) 4 - Levodopa Trial 5 - Minocycline Trial (Minocycline in the Treatment of Angelman Syndrome) - University of South Florida, Tampa, FL (Ed Weeber); 6 - Minocycline Trial (Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Minocycline in Angelman Syndrome A-MANECE) – Puerta de Hierro University Hospital, Spain (Belen Ruiz-Antorán); 7 - Ovid Trial; 8 - MRI trial - Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX (Sarika Peters); 9 - Ovid STARS Trial (A Study in Adults and Adolescents With Angelman Syndrome); 10 - MRI trial at UNC, Chapel Hill, NC (Heather Hazlett); 11 - Gait trial - University of South Florida, Tampa, FL (Joe Grieco); 12 - Lena device trial - University of South Florida, Tampa, FL (Ruth Bahr); 13 - Sleep trial (Kansas); 14 – Study on the Brain Network of Angelman Syndrome, Fudan University, China (Dr Yi Wang); 15 – Disruptive Nutrition FANS/ketone trial; 16 – GeneTX KIK-AS trial; 17 – Roche & Genetech FREESIAS Endpoint Study; 18 – Roche Tangelo Clinical trial; 19 - Other |
11.2.2 | ANGOtherStudyOther2 | Name of study/ trial | Text |
11.2.3 | ANGOtherStudyPart | Are you still participating in other study/ trial? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.4 | MinocyclineTrialA | Are you still participating in the Minocycline Trial (Minocycline in the Treatment of Angelman Syndrome)? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.5 | MinocyclineTrialB | Are you still participating in the Minocycline Trial (Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Minocycline in Angelman Syndrome A-MANECE)? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.6 | MRITrialA | Are you still participating in the MRI trial at Baylor College of Medicine? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.7 | MRITrialB | Are you still participating in the MRI trial at UNC? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.8 | GaitTrial | Are you still participating in the Gait trial at the University of South Florida? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.9 | LenaTrial | Are you still participating in the Lena device trial at the University of South Florida? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.10 | SleepTrial | Are you still participating in the Sleep trial at Kansas? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.11 | DisNutYN | Are you still participating in the Disruptive Nutrition FANS/ketone trial? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.12 | GeneTXYN | Are you still participating in the GeneTX KIK-AS trial? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.13 | FREESIASYN | Are you still participating in the Roche & Genetech FREESIAS Endpoint Study? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.14 | TangeloYN | Are you still participating in the Roche Tangelo Clinical trial? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.15 | BrainTrial | Are you still participating in the Study on the Brain Network of Angelman Syndrome, Fudan University, China (Dr Yi Wang) | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.16 | NaturalHistSite | Which 2011-2014 Natural History Study site? | 1 - Baylor-Texas Children's, Houston, TX. (Carlos Bacino); 2 - Rady Children's Hospital, San Diego, CA (Lynne Bird); 3 - Children's Hospital, Boston, MA (Virginia Kimonis then Wen-Hann Tan); 4 - Greenwood Genetics Center, Greenwood, SC (Steve Skinner); 5 - UCSF, San Francisco, CA (Anne Slavotinek); 6 - Children's Hospital, Cincinnati, OH (Logan Wink); 7 - Vanderbilt Children's Hosptial, Nashville, TN (Greg Barnes, then Cary Fu); |
11.2.17 | NaturalHistSiteNew | Which 2018-current Natural History Study site? | 1 - Rady Children's Hospital, San Diego, CA; 2 - Children's Hospital, Boston; 3 - Other |
11.2.18 | NaturalHistSiteNewOth | If other, please state | Text |
11.2.19 | NaturalHistYN | Are you still participating in the Natural History Study? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.20 | FolicBetaineSite | Which Folic Acid/Betaine Trial site? | 1 - Baylor-Texas Children's, Houston, TX. (Art Beaudet then Carlos Bacino); 2 - Rady Children's Hospital, San Diego, CA (Lynne Bird); 3 - Children's Hospital, Boston, MA (Wen-Hann Tan); 4 - Greenwood Genetics Center, Greenwood, SC (Steve Skinner); |
11.2.21 | FolicBetaineYN | re you still participating in the Folic Acid/Betaine Trial? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.22 | MetafolinSite | Which Metafolin Trial (Dietary Supplements for the Treatment of Angelman Syndrome) site? | 1 - Baylor-Texas Children's, Houston, TX. (Carlos Bacino); 2 - Rady Children's Hospital, San Diego, CA (Lynne Bird); 3 - Children's Hospital, Boston, MA (Wen-Hann Tan); 4 - Greenwood Genetics Center, Greenwood, SC (Steve Skinner); |
11.2.23 | MetafolinYN | Are you still participating in the Metafolin Trial? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.24 | LevodopaSite | Which Levodopa Trial site? | 1 - Baylor-Texas Children's, Houston, TX. (Carlos Bacino); 2 - Rady Children's Hospital, San Diego, CA (Lynne Bird); 3 - Children's Hospital, Boston, MA (Wen-Hann Tan); 4 - Greenwood Genetics Center, Greenwood, SC (Steve Skinner); 5 - UCSF, San Francisco, CA (Anne Slavotinek); 6 - Children's Hospital, Cincinnati, OH (Logan Wink); 7 - Vanderbilt Children's Hospital, Nashville, TN (Greg Barnes, then Cary Fu); |
11.2.25 | LevodopaYN | Are you still participating in the Levodopa Trial? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.26 | OvidTrialSite | Which Ovid Trial site? | 1 - Baylor-Texas Children's, Houston, TX. (Carlos Bacino); 2 - Rady Children's Hospital, San Diego, CA (Lynne Bird); 3 - Children's Hospital, Boston, MA (Wen-Hann Tan); 4 - Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA (Ron Thibert); 5 - Greenwood Genetics Center, Greenwood, SC (Steve Skinner); 6 - Children's Hospital, Cincinnati, OH (Logan Wink); 7 - Vanderbilt Children's Hospital, Nashville, TN (Kevin Haas); |
11.2.27 | OvidTrialYN | Are you still participating in the Ovid Trial? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.2.28 | OvidSTARSsite | Which Ovid STARS Trial (A Study in Adults and Adolescents With Angelman Syndrome) Site? Arizona California Florida Georgia | 1 - Arizona 2 - California 3 - Florida 4 - Georgia 5 - Illinois 6 - Massachusetts 7 - Ohio 8 - Pennsylvania 9 - South Carolina 10 - Tennessee 11 - Israel |
11.2.29 | OvidSTARSTrialYN | Are you still participating in the Ovid STARS Trial? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.3 Clinic attendance (ANGClinic)
No | Code | Question | Response |
11.3.1 | ClinicSite | Region where clinic(s) located | 1 - United States of America; 2 - Other North America; 3 - South America; 4 – Europe; 5 – Asia; 6 – Africa; 7 - Oceania |
11.3.2 | ClinicSiteUSA | Which clinic(s) in the United States of America? | 1 - Seattle Children's Hospital (Seattle, Washington US); 2 - UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital (San Francisco, California US); 3 - UCLA CART Center for Autism Research and Treatment (Los Angeles, California US); 4 - Rady Children's Hospital San Diego (San Diego, California US) ; 5 - Intermountain Primary Children's Medical Center (Salt Lake City, Utah US); 6 - Children's Hospital Colorado (Aurora, Colorado US); 7 - Texas Children's Hospital (Houston, Texas US); 8 - Mayo Clinic (Rochester, Minnesota US) ; 9 - Minnesota Epilepsy Group (St. Paul, Minnesota US); 10 - Rush University Medical Center (Chicago, Illinois US); 11 - Lurie Children's Hospital Chicago (Chicago, Illinois US); 12 - Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital (Nashville, Tennessee US); 13 - Geisinger Autism & Developmental Medicine Institute (Lewisburg, Pennsylvania US); 14 - NYU Langone Medical Center (New York, New York US); 15 - Weill Cornell Medical College of New York (New York, New York US); 16 - Massachusetts General Hospital (Boston, Massachusetts US); 17 - UNC Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities (Carrboro, North Carolina US); 18 - Miami Children's Hospital (Miami, Florida US); 19 - Other |
11.3.3 | WhatOtherClinicUSA | Name and location | Text |
11.3.4 | OtherClinicUSA | Are you still attending this clinic? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.3.5 | SeattleClinic | Are you still attending the Seattle Children's Hospital? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.3.6 | BenioffClinic | Are you still attending the UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.3.7 | CARTClinic | Are you still attending the UCLA CART Center for Autism Research and Treatment? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.3.8 | RadyClinic | Are you still attending the Rady Children's Hospital San Diego? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.3.9 | IntermountainClinic | Are you still attending the Intermountain Primary Children's Medical Center? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.3.10 | ColoradoClinic | Are you still attending the Children's Hospital Colorado? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.3.11 | TexasClinic | Are you still attending the Texas Children's Hospital? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.3.12 | MayoClinic | Are you still attending the Mayo Clinic? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.3.13 | MinnesotaClinic | Are you still attending the Minnesota Epilepsy Group? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.3.14 | RushClinic | Are you still attending the Rush University Medical Center? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.3.15 | LurieClinic | Are you still attending the Lurie Children's Hospital Chicago? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.3.16 | MonroeClinic | Are you still attending the Monroe Carell Jr Children's Hospital? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.3.17 | GeisingerClinic | Are you still attending the Geisinger Autism & Developmental Medicine Institute? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.3.18 | LangoneClinic | Are you still attending the NYU Langone Medical Center? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.3.19 | CornellClinic | Are you still attending the Weill Cornell Medical College of New York? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.3.20 | MassachusettsClinic | Are you still attending the Massachusetts General Hospital? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.3.21 | CarolinaClinic | Are you still attending the UNC Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.3.22 | MiamiClinic | Are you still attending the Miami Children's Hospital? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.3.23 | ClinicSiteNorthAmerica | Which clinic(s) in other North American countries? | 1 - Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (Ottowa, Canada); 2 - BC Children's Hospital; 3 Other |
11.3.24 | WhatOtherClinicNorthAmerica | Name and location | Text |
11.3.25 | OtherClinicNorthAmerica | Are you still attending this clinic? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.3.26 | OntarioClinic | Are you still attending the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (Ottowa, Canada) | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.3.27 | BritishColumbiaClinic | Are you still attending the BC Children's Hospital | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.3.28 | ClinicSiteSouthAmerica | Which clinic(s) in South America? | 1 - Brazil Angelman Clinic; 2 - Argentina Angelman Syndrome Clinic; 3 - Other |
11.3.29 | WhatOtherClinicSouthAmerica | Name and location the | Text |
11.3.30 | OtherClinicSouthAmerica | Are you still attending this clinic? | Text |
11.3.31 | BrazilClinic | Are you still attending the Brazil Angelman Clinic | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.3.32 | ArgentinaClinic | Are you still attending the Argentina Angelman Syndrome Clinic | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.3.33 | ClinicSiteEurope | Which clinic(s) in Europe? | 1 - Erasmus Angelman Syndrome Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; 2 - St Mary’s Hospital, Manchester, UK; 3 - Edmond and Lily Safra Children's Hospital, Sheba Tel Hashomer (Tel Aviv, Israel); 4 - Other |
11.3.34 | WhatOtherClinicEurope | Name and location | Text |
11.3.35 | OtherClinicEurope | Are you still attending this clinic? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.3.36 | ErasmusClinic | Are you still attending the Erasmus Angelman Syndrome Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.3.37 | StMaryClinic | Are you still attending the St Mary’s Hospital, Manchester, UK | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.3.38 | ClinicSiteAsia | Which clinic(s) in Asia? | 1 - Edmond and Lily Safra Children's Hospital, Sheba Tel Hashomer (Tel Aviv, Israel); 2 - Other |
11.3.39 | WhatOtherClinicAsia | Name and location | Name and location |
11.3.40 | OtherClinicAsia | Are you still attending this clinic? | Are you still attending this clinic? |
11.3.41 | ClinicSiteAfrica | Which clinic(s) in Africa? | 1 - Edmond and Lily Safra Children's Hospital, Sheba Tel Hashomer (Tel Aviv, Israel) ; 2 - Other |
11.3.42 | WhatOtherClinicAfrica | Name and location | Text |
11.3.43 | OtherClinicAfrica | Are you still attending this clinic? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.3.44 | IsraelClinic | Are you still attending the Edmond and Lily Safra Children's Hospital? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.3.45 | ClinicSiteOceania | Which clinic(s) in Oceania? | 1 - Melbourne Royal Children’s Hospital Clinic; 2 - Development Assessment Service, St George Hospital, Kogarah, NSW; 3 - Other |
11.3.46 | WhatOtherClinicOceania | Name and location | |
11.3.47 | OtherClinicOceania | Are you still attending this clinic? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.3.48 | MelbourneClinic | Are you still attending the Melbourne Royal Children’s Hospital Clinic? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
11.3.49 | KogorahClinic | Are you still attending the Development Assessment Service, St George Hospital? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |

