This module is completed when entering the patient registry and updated as required, the six month module prompts updates as well. Information is collected on medications used and ceased as well as therapy services such as speech, physio and occupational therapies.
7.1a Medications/ Interventions and Therapy Use (MedIntScreen)
No | Code | Question | Response |
7.1.1a | curmedscreen | Is your child/ adult currently taking any medications/ interventions? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 – Unknown |
7.1.2a | stopmedscreen | Has your child/ adult tried any medications/ interventions that they are no longer using? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 – Unknown |
7.1.3a | therapyscreen | Has your child/ adult ever taken part in any therapies? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No; 3 – Unknown |
7.2 Current medications/interventions (ANGMedIntCurrent)
No | Code | Question | Response |
7.2.1 | ANGMedIntWhat | Please tell us what medications/interventions your child/ adult is currently taking | 1 – Cabamazepine |
7.2.2 | ANGMedIntNameOTH | If medication is not listed above, please state | |
7.2.3 | ANGMedIntReason | What is the reason for using this drug/intervention? Check all that apply | 1 – Anti epileptic; 2 – Behavioural; 3 – Sleep; 4 – Gastrointestinal; 5 – Complimentary; 6 – Diet; 7 – Vagus nerve stimulation; 8 – Other |
7.2.3a | ANGMedIntReasonOth | Other reason | |
7.2.4a | ANGMedIntAgeStarted2 | What was your child/ adult’s age when medication/ intervention was started? | |
7.2.7a | AngMedIntOften2 | How often is this medication given? | 1 – Once a day; 2 – Twice a day; 3 – 3 times a day; 4 – 4 times a day; 5 – 5 times a day; 6 – 6 times a day; 7 – As needed; 8 – Other |
7.2.7ai | ANGDoseSame | Is the same dose given each time? | Yes/ No |
7.2.6a | ANGDose2 | Dosage Please indicate units of dosage as a number | |
7.2.6b | ANGDoseUnit | Dosage unit. Please indicate the dosage unit | 1 – Grams ; 2 – Milligrams ; 3 – Micrograms ; 4 – Grams per millilitre ; 5 – Milligrams per millilitre ; 6 – Micrograms per millilitre ; 7 – Millilitres ; 8 – Other |
7.2.6c | ANGDoseUnitOth | Please specify If other, please specify | |
7.2.8a | ANGMedIntStrength2 | Strength or concentration | |
7.2.8b | ANGStrengthUnit | Strength Unit Please indicate the strength/ concentration unit | 1 – Grams ; 2 – Milligrams ; 3 – Micrograms ; 4 – Grams per millilitre ; 5 – Milligrams per millilitre ; 6 – Micrograms per millilitre ; 7 – Millilitres ; 8 – Other |
7.2.8c | ANGStrengthUnitOth | Please specify If other, please specify | |
7.2.7b | AngMedIntOftenT1 | Medication time 1 Please indicate what time this medication/ intervention is given | |
7.2.6a | ANGDose2T1 | Time 1 dosage Please indicate units of dosage as a number | |
7.2.6b | ANGDoseUnitT1 | Time 1 dosage unit. Please indicate the dosage unit | 1 – Grams ; 2 – Milligrams ; 3 – Micrograms ; 4 – Grams per millilitre ; 5 – Milligrams per millilitre ; 6 – Micrograms per millilitre ; 7 – Millilitres ; 8 – Other |
7.2.6c | ANGDoseUnitOthT1 | Please specify If other, please specify | |
7.2.7c | AngMedIntOftenT2 | Medication time 2 Please indicate what time this medication/ intervention is given | |
7.2.6a | ANGDose2T2 | Time 2 dosage Please indicate units of dosage as a number | |
7.2.6b | ANGDoseUnitT2 | Time 2 dosage unit. Please indicate the dosage unit | 1 – Grams ; 2 – Milligrams ; 3 – Micrograms ; 4 – Grams per millilitre ; 5 – Milligrams per millilitre ; 6 – Micrograms per millilitre ; 7 – Millilitres ; 8 – Other |
7.2.6c | ANGDoseUnitOthT2 | Please specify If other, please specify | |
7.2.7d | AngMedIntOftenT3 | Medication time 3 Please indicate what time this medication/ intervention is given | |
7.2.6a | ANGDose2T3 | Time 3 dosage Please indicate units of dosage as a number | |
7.2.6b | ANGDoseUnitT3 | Time 3 dosage unit. Please indicate the dosage unit | 1 – Grams ; 2 – Milligrams ; 3 – Micrograms ; 4 – Grams per millilitre ; 5 – Milligrams per millilitre ; 6 – Micrograms per millilitre ; 7 – Millilitres ; 8 – Other |
7.2.6c | ANGDoseUnitOthT3 | Please specify If other, please specify | |
7.2.7e | AngMedIntOftenT4 | Medication time 4 Please indicate what time this medication/ intervention is given | |
7.2.6a | ANGDose2T4 | Time 4 dosage Please indicate units of dosage as a number | |
7.2.6b | ANGDoseUnitT4 | Time 4 dosage unit. Please indicate the dosage unit | 1 – Grams ; 2 – Milligrams ; 3 – Micrograms ; 4 – Grams per millilitre ; 5 – Milligrams per millilitre ; 6 – Micrograms per millilitre ; 7 – Millilitres ; 8 – Other |
7.2.6c | ANGDoseUnitOthT4 | Please specify If other, please specify | |
7.2.7f | AngMedIntOftenT5 | Medication time 5 Please indicate what time this medication/ intervention is given | |
7.2.6a | ANGDose2T5 | Time 5 dosage Please indicate units of dosage as a number | |
7.2.6b | ANGDoseUnitT5 | Time 5 dosage unit. Please indicate the dosage unit | 1 – Grams ; 2 – Milligrams ; 3 – Micrograms ; 4 – Grams per millilitre ; 5 – Milligrams per millilitre ; 6 – Micrograms per millilitre ; 7 – Millilitres ; 8 – Other |
7.2.6c | ANGDoseUnitOthT5 | Please specify If other, please specify | |
7.2.7g | AngMedIntOftenT6 | Medication time 6 Please indicate what time this medication/ intervention is given | |
7.2.6a | ANGDose2T6 | Time 6 dosage Please indicate units of dosage as a number | |
7.2.6b | ANGDoseUnitT6 | Time 6 dosage unit. Please indicate the dosage unit | 1 – Grams ; 2 – Milligrams ; 3 – Micrograms ; 4 – Grams per millilitre ; 5 – Milligrams per millilitre ; 6 – Micrograms per millilitre ; 7 – Millilitres ; 8 – Other |
7.2.6c | ANGDoseUnitOthT6 | Please specify If other, please specify | |
7.2.7h | AngMedIntOftenTOth | Medication time other Please indicate what time this medication/ intervention is given | |
7.2.6a | ANGDose2TOth | Other time dosage Please indicate units of dosage as a number | |
7.2.6b | ANGDoseUnitTOth | Other time dosage unit. Please indicate the dosage unit | 1 – Grams ; 2 – Milligrams ; 3 – Micrograms ; 4 – Grams per millilitre ; 5 – Milligrams per millilitre ; 6 – Micrograms per millilitre ; 7 – Millilitres ; 8 – Other |
7.2.6c | ANGDoseUnitOthTOth | Please specify If other, please specify | |
7.2.9 | ANGMedIntOther | Comments |
7.3 Medications/Interventions no longer used
No | Code | Question | Response |
7.3.1 | ANGMedIntWhatStop | What medications has your child/ adult tried and is no longer using? | See 7.2.1 |
7.3.2 | ANGMedIntNameOTH | If medication is not listed above, please state | |
7.3.3 | ANGMEDIntReasonPast | What was the reason for using this drug/intervention? | 1 – Anti epileptic; 2 – Behavioural; 3 – Sleep; 4 – Gastrointestinal; 5 – Complimentary; 6 – Diet; 7 – Vagus nerve stimulation; 8 – Other |
7.3.3a | ANGMEDIntReasonPastOth | ||
7.3.4 | ANGMedIntReasonStop | What was the reason for stopping this drug/intervention? | 1 – Exacerbation/worsening of seizures; 2 – intolerable side effects ; 3 – inadequate seizure control; 4 – transferring to a new medication; 5 – No longer required; 6 – Other |
7.3.4a | ANGMedIntReasonStopOth | Please describe | |
7.3.5a | ANGMedIntAgeStopped2 | What was their age when the medication/intervention was stopped? | |
7.3.7 | ANGMedIntOther | Comments |
7.5 Therapy Services (ANGTherapySection2)
No | Code | Question | Response |
7.5.1a | ANGTherapy2 | Please tell us which therapy services your child/adult with Angelman syndrome has participated in (either current or no longer undertaken) | 1 – Physical therapy/ exercise; 2 – Speech and language therapy; 3 – Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC); 4 – Occupational therapy; 5 – Physiotherapy; 6 – Hippotherapy; 7 – Hydro/aquatic therapy; 8 – Music therapy; 9 – Art therapy; 10 – Pet therapy; 11 – Behavioural therapy; 12 – Adaptive sports; 13 – Play therapy; 14 – Chiropractic; 15 – Diet/ dietetic; 16 – Massage; 17 – Other |
7.5.2 | ANGTherapyOTH | If the service is not listed above, please state | |
7.5.3a | ANGShortCourse | Have you participated in a short or intensive course about delivering therapies to your child/ adult? | 1 – Physical therapy/ exercise; 2 – Speech and language therapy; 3 – Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC); 4 – Occupational therapy; 5 – Physiotherapy; 6 – Hippotherapy; 7 – Hydro/aquatic therapy; 8 – Music therapy; 9 – Art therapy; 10 – Pet therapy; 11 – Behavioural therapy; 12 – Adaptive sports; 13 – Play therapy; 14 – Chiropractic; 15 – Diet/ dietetic; 16 – Massage; 17 – Other |
7.5.4a | ANGShortCourseOth | Please specify | |
7.5.5a | ANGCurrentPhysical | Is your child/ adult currently participating in physical therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.6 | ANGStartStopPhysical | Has your child/ adult started and stopped physical therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.7 | ANGStartStopPhyDes | Please describe | |
7.5.8 | ANGPhysicalAgeStart | At what age did they start physical therapy? | |
7.5.9 | ANGPhysicalAgeStop | At what age did they stop physical therapy? | |
7.5.10 | ANGPhysicalFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | 1 – Daily; 2 – 3-5 times per week; 3 – Twice a week; 4 – Once a week; 5 – Twice a month (fortnightly); 6 – Once a month; 7 – Once every 2-3 months (4-6 times per year); 8 – Once every 4-6 months (2-3 times per year); 9 – Once a year; 10 – Less than once a year or one off session; 11 – Other |
7.5.11 | ANGPhysicalFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.12 | ANGPhysicalFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.13 | ANGPhysicalFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.14 | ANGPhysicalDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.15 | ANGPhysicalDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.16 | ANGCurrentSLP | Is your child/ adult currently participating in speech and language therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.17 | ANGStartStopSLP | Has your child/ adult started and stopped speech and language therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.18 | ANGStartStopSLPDes | Please describe | |
7.5.19 | ANGSLPAgeStart | At what age did they start speech and language therapy? | |
7.5.20 | ANGSLPAgeStop | At what age did they stop speech and language therapy? | |
7.5.21 | ANGSLPFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.22 | ANGSLPFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.23 | ANGSLPFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.24 | ANGSLPFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.25 | ANGSLPDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.26 | ANGSLPDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.27 | ANGCurrentAAC | Is your child/ adult currently participating in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.28 | ANGStartStopAAC | Has your child/ adult started and stopped AAC therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.29 | ANGStartStopAACDes | Please describe | |
7.5.30 | ANGAACAgeStart | At what age did they start Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) therapy? | |
7.5.31 | ANGAACAgeStop | At what age did they stop AAC therapy? | |
7.5.32 | ANGAACFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.33 | ANGAACFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.34 | ANGAACFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.35 | ANGAACFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.36 | ANGAACDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.37 | ANGAACDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.38 | ANGCurrentOT | Is your child/ adult currently participating in occupational therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.39 | ANGStartStopOT | Has your child/ adult started and stopped occupational therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.40 | ANGStartStopOTDes | Please describe | |
7.5.41 | ANGOTAgeStart | At what age did they start occupational therapy? | |
7.5.42 | ANGOTAgeStop | At what age did they stop occupational therapy? | |
7.5.43 | ANGOTFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.44 | ANGOTFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.45 | ANGOTFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.46 | ANGOTFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.47 | ANGOTDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.48 | ANGOTDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.49 | ANGCurrentPhysio | Is your child/ adult currently participating in physiotherapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.50 | ANGStartStopPhysio | Has your child/ adult started and stopped physiotherapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.51 | ANGStartStopPhysioDes | Please describe | |
7.5.52 | ANGPhysioAgeStart | At what age did they start physiotherapy? | |
7.5.53 | ANGPhysioAgeStop | At what age did they stop physiotherapy? | |
7.5.54 | ANGPhysioFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.55 | ANGPhysioFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.56 | ANGPhysioFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.57 | ANGPhysioFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.58 | ANGPhysioDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.59 | ANGPhysioDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.60 | ANGCurrentHippotherapy | Is your child/ adult currently participating in hippotherapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.61 | ANGStartStopHippo | Has your child/ adult started and stopped hippotherapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.62 | ANGStartStopHippoDes | Please describe | |
7.5.63 | ANGHippotherapyAgeStart | At what age did they start hippotherapy? | |
7.5.64 | ANGHippotherapyAgeStop | At what age did they stop hippotherapy? | |
7.5.65 | ANGHippotherapyFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.66 | ANGHippotherapyFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.67 | ANGHippotherapyFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.68 | ANGHippotherapyFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.69 | ANGHippotherapyDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.70 | ANGHippotherapyDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.71 | ANGCurrentHydroAquatic | Is your child/ adult currently participating in hydro/aquatic therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.72 | ANGStartStopHydro | Has your child/ adult started and stopped hydro/aquatic therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.73 | ANGStartStopHydroDes | Please describe | |
7.5.74 | ANGHydroAquaticAgeStart | At what age did they start hydro/aquatic therapy? | |
7.5.75 | ANGHydroAquaticAgeStop | At what age did they stop hydro/aquatic therapy? | |
7.5.76 | ANGHydroAquaticFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.77 | ANGHydroAquaticFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.78 | ANGHydroAquaticFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.79 | ANGHydroAquaticFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.80 | ANGHydroAquaticDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.81 | ANGHydroAquaticDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.82 | ANGCurrentMusical | Is your child/ adult currently participating in music therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.83 | ANGStartStopMusical | Has your child/ adult started and stopped music therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.84 | ANGStartStopMusDes | Please describe | |
7.5.85 | ANGMusicalAgeStart | At what age did they start music therapy? | |
7.5.86 | ANGMusicalAgeStop | At what age did they stop music therapy? | |
7.5.87 | ANGMusicalFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.88 | ANGMusicalFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.89 | ANGMusicalFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.90 | ANGMusicalFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.91 | ANGMusicalDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.92 | ANGMusicalDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.93 | ANGCurrentArt | Is your child/ adult currently participating in art therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.94 | ANGStartStopArt | Has your child/ adult started and stopped art therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.95 | ANGStartStopArtDes | Please describe | |
7.5.96 | ANGArtAgeStart | At what age did they start art therapy? | |
7.5.97 | ANGArtAgeStop | At what age did they stop art therapy? | |
7.5.98 | ANGArtFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.99 | ANGArtFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.100 | ANGArtFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.101 | ANGArtFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.102 | ANGArtDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.103 | ANGArtDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.104 | ANGCurrentPet | Is your child/ adult currently participating in pet therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.105 | ANGStartStopPet | Has your child/ adult started and stopped pet therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.106 | ANGStartStopPetDes | Please describe | |
7.5.107 | ANGPetAgeStart | At what age did they start pet therapy? | |
7.5.108 | ANGPetAgeStop | At what age did they stop pet therapy? | |
7.5.109 | ANGPetFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.110 | ANGPetFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.111 | ANGPetFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.112 | ANGPetFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.113 | ANGPetDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.114 | ANGPetDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.115 | ANGCurrentBehavioural | Is your child/ adult currently participating in behavioural therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.116 | ANGStartStopBehav | Has your child/ adult started and stopped behavioural therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.117 | ANGStartStopBehDes | Please describe | |
7.5.118 | ANGBehaviouralAgeStart | At what age did they start behavioural therapy? | |
7.5.119 | ANGBehaviouralAgeStop | At what age did they stop behavioural therapy? | |
7.5.120 | ANGBehaviouralFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.121 | ANGBehaviouralFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.122 | ANGBehaviouralFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.123 | ANGBehaviouralFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.124 | ANGBehaviouralDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.125 | ANGBehaviouralDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.126 | ANGCurrentAdaptiveSport | Is your child/ adult currently participating in adaptive sports? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.127 | ANGStartStopSport | Has your child/ adult started and stopped adaptive sports? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.128 | ANGStartStopSportDes | Please describe | |
7.5.129 | ANGAdaptiveSportAgeStart | At what age did they start adaptive sports? | |
7.5.130 | ANGAdaptiveSportAgeStop | At what age did they stop adaptive sports? | |
7.5.131 | ANGAdaptiveSportFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.132 | ANGAdaptiveSportFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.133 | ANGAdaptiveSportFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.134 | ANGAdaptiveSportFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.135 | ANGAdaptiveSportDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.136 | ANGAdaptiveSportDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.137 | ANGCurrentPlay | Is your child/ adult currently participating in play therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.138 | ANGStartStopPlay | Has your child/ adult started and stopped play therapy? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.139 | ANGStartStopPlayDes | Please describe | |
7.5.140 | ANGPlayAgeStart | At what age did they start play therapy? | |
7.5.141 | ANGPlayAgeStop | At what age did they stop play therapy? | |
7.5.142 | ANGPlayFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.143 | ANGPlayFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.144 | ANGPlayFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.145 | ANGPlayFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.146 | ANGPlayDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.147 | ANGPlayDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.148 | ANGCurrentChiro | Is your child/ adult currently participating in chiropractic treatment? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.149 | ANGStartStopChiro | Has your child/ adult started and stopped chiropractic treatment? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.150 | ANGStartStopChiroDes | Please describe | |
7.5.151 | ANGChiroAgeStart | At what age did they start chiropractic treatment? | |
7.5.152 | ANGChiroAgeStop | At what age did they stop chiropractic treatment? | |
7.5.153 | ANGChiroFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.154 | ANGChiroFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.155 | ANGChiroFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.156 | ANGChiroFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.157 | ANGChiroDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.158 | ANGChiroDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.159 | ANGCurrentDiet | Is your child/ adult currently participating in treatment for their diet? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.160 | ANGStartStopDiet | Has your child/ adult started and stopped treatment for their diet? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.161 | ANGStartStopDietDes | Please describe | |
7.5.162 | ANGDietAgeStart | At what age did they start treatment for their diet? | |
7.5.163 | ANGDietAgeStop | At what age did they stop treatment for their diet? | |
7.5.164 | ANGDietFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.165 | ANGDietFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.166 | ANGDietFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.167 | ANGDietFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.168 | ANGDietDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.169 | ANGDietDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.170 | ANGCurrentMassage | Is your child/ adult currently participating in massage therapies? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.171 | ANGMassageAgeStart | At what age did they start massage therapies? | |
7.5.172 | ANGStartStopMassage | Has your child/ adult started and stopped massage therapies? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.173 | ANGStartStopMasDes | Please describe | |
7.5.174 | ANGMassageAgeStop | At what age did they stop massage therapies? | |
7.5.175 | ANGMassageFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.176 | ANGMassageFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.177 | ANGMassageFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.178 | ANGMassageFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.179 | ANGMassageDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.180 | ANGMassageDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.181 | ANGCurrentOther | Is your child/ adult currently participating in other therapies? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.182 | ANGOtherAgeStart | At what age did they start other therapies? | |
7.5.183 | ANGStartStopOther | Has your child/ adult started and stopped other therapies? | 1 – Yes; 2 – No |
7.5.184 | ANGStartStopOthDes | Please describe | |
7.5.185 | ANGOtherAgeStop | At what age did they stop other therapies? | |
7.5.186 | ANGOtherFreqCurrent | How frequently do they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.187 | ANGOtherFreqOthCurrent | Please specify | |
7.5.188 | ANGOtherFreqEnded | How frequently did they attend this service? | As above |
7.5.189 | ANGOtherFreqOthEnded | Please specify | |
7.5.190 | ANGOtherDurCurrent | How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.191 | ANGOtherDurEnded | How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes | |
7.5.3 | ANGTherapyAGE | What was the individual’s age (in years) when the service was started? (years) | |
7.5.4 | ANGTherapyAGEMonths | Age in months (if applicable) (months) | |
7.5.5 | ANGTherapyFreq | How frequently does the individual attend this service? (e.g. Once a week) | |
7.5.6 | ANGTherapyDur | How long is a typical session? (e.g. one hour) | |
7.5.7 | ANGMedIntOther | Comments |