Creating new opportunities, insight and understanding

Be part of building knowledge for a brighter future for those with Angelman Syndrome

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For Professionals & Researchers

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For Caregivers

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Global Angelman Syndrome Registry
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Creating new opportunities, insight and understanding
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Angelman syndrome (AS) is a rare neurogenetic disorder that affects approximately one in 15,000 people – about 500,000 individuals worldwide.

Sadly, we don’t know exactly how many individuals are undiagnosed worldwide.

Children and adults with AS typically have impaired motor and balance, and debilitating seizures. There are a range of other symptoms and behavioural traits, which can differ case by case.

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Our Mission

The Global Angelman Syndrome Registry is a project designed for individuals diagnosed with Angelman syndrome and those working towards research and treatments.

Our goal is to centralise information and assist with the need for a significant set of global data on individuals diagnosed with Angelman syndrome.

Active Countries
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For Clinicians And Researchers
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For Clinicians and Researchers:

Our goal is to make data accessible for anyone with an interest in furthering understanding into Angelman syndrome: either for research or care management and for those developing and testing therapeutics to treat symptoms in the disorder.

The ultimate beneficiaries for this project are individuals diagnosed with Angelman syndrome.

Icon Join The Registry
Basic Demographics
Icon Access Data
6 Month Check Up
Icon Brain
Behaviour & Development
Icon History
History of Diagnosis & Results
Icon Medication
Illness and Symptoms
Icon Medical
Intervention & Therapies

Throughout the data collection process, we collect data on the individual’s newborn, infancy, and diagnostic history, hospitalisations and surgical procedures, epilepsy, medications, therapies, communication, sleep and more. 

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For Families and Caregivers

You as a caregiver know your loved one with Angelman syndrome better than anyone else. The data you can provider is instrumental in understanding Angelman syndrome and its day to day impact on your loved one.

To have a meaningful understanding of Angelman syndrome, we need data about many, many individuals with Angelman syndrome. AS is a variable condition, and each individual is unique. Consequently, each and every parent and caregiver has valuable information to contribute.

To collect this information, we need to hear from you. This project is a community collaboration to be used to improve the lives of all who have been diagnosed or are yet to be diagnosed with Angelman syndrome.

For Families And Caregivers
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About Us

Parents and caregivers are driving the collection of data by contributing to the largest dataset on Angelman syndrome by entering details of their loved one/s diagnosis, medical history, development and more in a series of online modules. The Global Angelman Syndrome Registry is a tool for understanding developmental progress, medication and seizure management, but more importantly, it provides an invaluable resource to advance the search for therapeutics.


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Research & Publications

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